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引用本文:方学燕,冯永玖,陈新军,马迪. 6-9月秘鲁外海茎柔鱼资源的空间异质性研究[J]. 上海海洋大学学报, 2016, 25(2): 271-281
作者姓名:方学燕  冯永玖  陈新军  马迪
摘    要:根据2003-2012年6-9月(2005年数据缺失)秘鲁外海茎柔鱼渔获数据,利用全局和局部自相关性分析,结合半变异函数模型,探讨秘鲁外海茎柔鱼资源分布的异质性特点,并寻找影响茎柔鱼空间分布的关键环境因子。研究认为:(1)全局自相关统计量Moran’s I和局部自相关统计量Getis-Ord Gi*的Z得分结果显示,秘鲁外海茎柔鱼呈斑块状中等程度的聚集分布,7月份的聚集性强;(2)趋势性分析认为,6-9月茎柔鱼资源在南北方向上基本都呈现出南低北高的变化趋势,而东西方向上均呈现出中间高两端低的分布趋势;(3)6、8月份的最优模型为高斯模型,7月份的最优模型为球状模型,9月份的最优模型为指数模型,6-9月份的块金系数分别为41.33%、24.66%、25.89%和35.42%,其反映了中等程度自相关性,与全局自相关的分析结果一致;(4)相关性检验认为,秘鲁外海茎柔鱼资源局部聚集分布主要是受到海表面高度的影响。对秘鲁外海茎柔鱼资源分布空间异质性的研究,对揭示其栖息地分布及其生态学意义具有一定的作用。

关 键 词:茎柔鱼  空间自相关  空间异质性  秘鲁外海

Spatial heterogeneity of Dosidicus gigas in the high sea off Peru from June to September
FANG Xueyan,FENG Yongjiu,CHEN Xinjun and MA Di. Spatial heterogeneity of Dosidicus gigas in the high sea off Peru from June to September[J]. Journal of Shanghai Ocean University, 2016, 25(2): 271-281
Authors:FANG Xueyan  FENG Yongjiu  CHEN Xinjun  MA Di
Affiliation:SHOU,SHOU,Collaborative Innovation Center for Distant-water Fisheries,Shanghai,;College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University,SHOU
Abstract:As one of the largest cephalopod in the world, Dosidicus gigas is distributed across the high sea off Peru and has been become an important fishing target by Chinese squid jigging boats. Due to both the dynamic marine environments and the interaction between biological and non-biological factors, this species is unevenly distributed and exhibited a pattern of spatial heterogeneity. Based on commercial fishing data (Catch per unit effort, CPUE) in June to September selected from 2003 to 2012 (without the data of 2005), this study aims to explore the spatial hot and cold spots and reveal the spatial structure of D. gigas resources. To reach the research goals, the methods of geo-statistics were used, which include an integrated methods of spatial statistics, global and local spatial auto-correlation, and semi-variogram. Classical statistics and global spatial autocorrelation showed that there was medium degree of aggregation over the study area. Relatively strong aggregated distributions were observed for Dosidicus gigas in the high sea off Peru from June to September. In addition, spatial hot and cold spot maps were produced for June to September using both local spatial autocorrelation methods and Ordinary Kriging. The maps illustrated that, except July, there were at least one hot spot and one cold spot for D. gigas in the high sea off Peru in each month. In fact, the hot spots in September are very small and scattered. These results suggested that strong spatial heterogeneity and aggregation were detected. Additionally, trend analysis demonstrated that there were more squids distributed in the northern areas than that in the southern. However, there are more squids in the middle than that in the both ends in longitude direction. According to determination coefficient (R2) and residual sum of squares (RSS), Gaussian models were fitted in June and August, spherical model fitted in July, and exponential model was fitted in September. Spherical, Gaussian, and exponential models indicated the degree of aggregation decreased gradually. Moreover, nugget coefficients were 58.7%, 75.3%, 74.1% and 64.6% from June to September, respectively, and whose implications of aggregation for distribution were consistent with global auto-correlation. Finally, the correlation analysis between CPUE and environmental factors revealed the reason of spatial heterogeneity of D. gigas in the high sea off Peru from June to September. The environmental factors included sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), sea surface height (SSH) and chlorophyll-a (Chla). And this study suggested SSH was the most influential among those four factors. The mechanism of how SSH affects the distribution of D. gigas was not investigated in this study.
Keywords:Dosidicus gigas   spatial autocorrelation   spatial heterogeneity   the high sea off Peru
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