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引用本文:刘少军,蔡大鑫,佟金鹤,李伟光. 气象条件对中国橡胶树种植的影响[J]. 热带生物学报, 2022, 13(4): 376-381. DOI: 10.15886/j.cnki.rdswxb.2022.04.008
作者姓名:刘少军  蔡大鑫  佟金鹤  李伟光
作者单位:海南省气象科学研究所/海南省南海气象防灾减灾重点实验室,海口 570203
摘    要:为了有效规避气象灾害的影响,充分利用气候资源优势,挖掘橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)的产胶潜力,笔者从气象条件对全球橡胶树种植分布及中国橡胶树种植区北界的影响、气象灾害(台风、寒害)对中国橡胶种植区的影响、中国橡胶树种植气候适宜区分布、中国橡胶树主产区产胶能力差异及原因等方面入手,归纳总结了气象条件对中国橡胶树种植的影响,并就如何保障中国天然橡胶稳产高产提出如下建议:首先要合理选择橡胶树栽培种植的气候高适宜区开展种植;其次要加强橡胶树抗风、抗寒、抗旱等高产栽培技术的研究;同时,在整个橡胶产业布局优化中,需要保证在高气候适宜区内有一定面积的橡胶战略性种植,大力发展橡胶树的林下经济;强化橡胶生产气象服务保障工作,减少极端天气气候事件对橡胶生产的影响。

关 键 词:橡胶树  气象灾害  气候适宜性  产量  影响

Influence of climate factors on rubber plantation in China
Affiliation:Hainan Institute of Meteorological Science/ Key Laboratory of South China Sea Meteorological Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Hainan Province, Haikou, Hainan 570203, China
Abstract:It is very important to improve rubber yield by avoiding the impact of meteorological disasters effectively and making full use of the advantages of climate resources to tap the rubber production potential of rubber tree. The impacts of climate factors on the global distribution of rubber plantations and the northern boundary for rubber plantation in China, the impact of meteorological disasters (typhoon and cold injury) on rubber plantations in the rubber producing areas in China, the distribution of rubber planting areas with climatic suitability in China, and the differences and reasons of rubber production capacity in China were summarized and analyzed from the perspective of climatic factors, based on which some suggestions are put forward to ensure stable and high rubber yield of rubber plantations in China, such as reasonably choosing areas with climatic suitability for rubber planting, strengthening research and development on high yielding cultivation with resistance to typhoon, cold and drought, guaranteeing a given strategic rubber planting area with high climatic suitability in the layout of rubber plantation industry, promoting rubber-based farming in rubber plantations, and enhancing the meteorological service in rubber production to reduce the impact of extreme weather and climate events on rubber production.
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