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Expansion of the global terrestrial protected area system
Authors:Clinton N. Jenkins  Lucas Joppa  
Affiliation:aDepartment of Biology, 1210 Biology-Psychology Building, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA;bNicholas School of the Environment, Box 90328, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, USA
Abstract:Under the Convention on Biological Diversity, the world’s governments set a goal of protecting 10% of all ecological regions by 2010. We evaluated progress toward that goal for the world’s major terrestrial biomes, realms, and ecoregions. Total land area under any legal protection has increased from previous estimates to 12.9%, a notable achievement, although only 5.8% has strict protection for biodiversity. For biomes, protection ranges from 4% to 25%, with six of 14 biomes still below the 10% level. Geographic patterns of protection have a distinct bias, with higher rates of protection in New World realms than Old World realms. Of the world’s terrestrial ecoregions, half do not meet the 2010 Target and 76% have less than 10% of their area strictly protected. Approximately 13% of ecoregions have no strict protected areas. Recent years have seen an expansion of the protected area network, with an average of 0.13% of the global land area added per year. Most of the expansion since 2003 though has been in Brazil, particularly the Amazon. Without major investments in conservation, spread across the world’s ecosystems, the world will likely miss the 2010 target.
Keywords:Biodiversity   Ecoregion   Biome   Realm   Prioritization   Conservation planning
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