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Central Venous Pressure Measurements in the Caudal Vena Cava of Sedated Cats
Authors:Roslyn G. Machon B.V.Sc.  M.V.Sc.  M.S.    Marc R. Raffe D.V.M. M.S.   Elaine P. Robinson B.Vet.Med.  M.V.Sc.
Affiliation:Department of Small Animal Clinical sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine University of Minnesota St. Paul, MN
Abstract:The caudla vena cava (CVA) was evaluated as an laternative site for the measurement of central venous pressure (CPV) in six healthy, sedated (ketamine 10 mg/km, midazolam 0.1 mg/kg, and atropine 0.04 mg/kg IM) cats. The CVC was cathererized via medial saphenous puncture, and estimates of CPV from this site compared to those obtained via a jugular catheter. Simulataneous CPV values were recorded electronically (mmgh), via calibrated pressure transducer positioned at the level of the manubrium in cats in lateral recumbency. Five readings, performed at 1 minute intervals, were collected from the jugular and CVC catheters at rest (baseline) and following a rapid fluid bolus. Twenty-four hours later, cats were resedated, baseline measurements repeated, and CVPs recorded following a rapid, 25% whole-blood volume bleed. CVP measurements from the jugular and CVC were statistically compared using repeated measures ANOVA (p<0.05). There were no significant differences between the two sites in the baseline and bleed trials. Significant defferences between jugular and CVC CVPs were noted at 1 and 2 minutes following the fluid bolus. It was concluded that CVC is an alternative site for measurement of CPV in sedated cats.
Keywords:central venous presssure    jugular vein    caudal vena cava    cats
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