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Books on Soil Science recently received
Abstract:A iken , G. R. et al. (eds). Humic Substances in Soil, Sediment and Water: Geochemistry, Isolation and Characterization.
A llan J ones , A. C. C4 Grasses and Cereals: Growth, Development and Stress Response.
B ohn , H. L. M cneal , B. L. & O'c onnor , G. A. (eds). Soil Chemistry
C oates , D. R. Geology and Society.
F itter , A. H. (ed.). Ecological Interactions in Soil: Plants, Microbes and Animals.
H ascoet , M., et al. (eds). Comportement et Effets Secondaires des Pesticides duns le Sol (Behaviour and Side Effects of Pesticides in Soil)
L alonde , M., C amiré , C. & D awson , J. O. (eds). Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants.
L iebau , F. Structural Chemistry of Silicates.
M okhtaruddin , A. M. et al. (eds). Advances in Soil Research in Malaysia.
M ückenhausen , E. Die Bodenkunde unde ihre Geologischen, Geomorphogischen, Mineralogischen und Petrologischen Grundlagen, 3, ergänzte Aujage.
O'n eill , P. Environmental Chemistry.
R ichards , K. S., A rnett , R. R. & E llis , S. (eds). Geomorphology and Soils.
S tamatopoulos , A. C. & K otzias , P. C. Soil Improvement by Preloading.
T ian -R en , Yu (ed.). Physical Chemistry of Paddy Soils.
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