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Germination and seedling growth of Quercus (section Erythrobalanus) across openings in a mixed-deciduous forest of southern New England, USA
Authors:Mark S. Ashton  Bruce C. Larson

School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA

Abstract:In this study three species of the genus Quercus section Erythrobalanus (Quercus coccinea, Quercus rubra, Quercus velutina) were investigated. All occur together as canopy trees in forests of southern New England. Acorns of each Quercus species were planted in plots located in five zones that represent a range of forest gap/canopy conditions that can occur within a southern New England forest. These five zones were demarcated adjacent to and across large openings of two physiographic sites—valley and ridgetop. Experiments were designed to monitor germination and initial growth of seedlings for the first three growing seasons. During the start of the first growing season germination was monitored. At the end of the first growing season measurements of height and number of flushes were taken and destructive samples of seedlings made for dry mass of root, stem and leaves. At the end of the third growing season height was recorded for surviving seedlings. Comparisons were made of germination and growth of seedlings located in the different gap/canopy conditions.

Results demonstrated clear differences in patterns of germination and early growth among species and among gap/canopy conditions of the sites. All species showed an increased lag in germination with reduced amounts of light. Highest growth and flushing rate were in the center conditions of the openings for all species during the first growing season. Quercus rubra had the greatest height growth the first growing season but a lower number of flushes than Q. velutina and Q. coccinea. In comparison with the other species, Q. rubra had the greatest total dry mass in most gap/canopy conditions after the first growing season. However, Q. velutina had the greatest total dry mass in the center of the ridgetop opening. In almost all gap/canopy conditions Q. velutina had greater proportions of dry mass allocated to roots compared with the other species.

After 3 years, greatest height growth in any of the gap/canopy conditions was recorded for all three species in the center of the valley site. Under this condition Q. rubra had significantly greater growth than Q. velutina and Q. coccinea. Quercus rubra also had significantly greater height growth and survival beneath the canopy conditions of the valley site than the other species. On the ridgetop site regeneration failed to establish beneath canopy conditions that provided low amounts of light. Quercus velutina showed greatest height growth after three years in the center and edge conditions of the ridgetop opening compared with the other species. Environmental influences that determine species germination and growth performance are suggested.

Keywords:Germination   Light   Quercus coccinea (Muenchh.)   Quercus rubra (L.)   Quercus velutina (Lam.)   section Erythrobalanus   Seedling growth
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