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引用本文:狄 江,刘剑锋,徐新明,王 琼,拉扎特·艾尼瓦尔,于丽娟. 周岁细毛羊羊毛长度、产毛量与体质量的全基因组关联分析[J]. 西北农业学报, 2016, 25(4): 496-501
作者姓名:狄 江  刘剑锋  徐新明  王 琼  拉扎特·艾尼瓦尔  于丽娟
作者单位:(1. 新疆畜牧科学院, 乌鲁木齐 830000; 2.中国农业大学 动物科技学院, 北京 100193)
摘    要:为检测影响周岁细毛羊羊毛长度、毛量及体质量性状的基因组区域,利用OvineSNP50BeadChip对365只中国美利奴(新疆型)个体基因分型,并采用single-locus回归方法进行全基因组关联分析。通过基因组水平的Permutations校正,检测到2个与羊毛长度及3个与毛量显著关联的SNPs。这些SNPs分别邻近5个已知基因(9.16~143.32kb)。其中FIBIN、HSD17B11及PIAS1 3个基因参与羊毛生长、发育相关的生物学过程,且均包含于已知羊毛性状相关QTL区域内,为所检测到的关联结果提供进一步证据。对这些目标区域的进一步研究有助于揭示细毛羊羊毛长度、产量等性状的遗传机理。

关 键 词:全基因组关联分析;羊毛;体质量;细毛羊

Genome-wide Association Studies for Wool and Body Mass Traits in Yearling Fine Wool Sheep
Abstract:For identifying genomic regions and genes that play roles in staple length, greasy fleece yield and body mass of yearlingfine wool sheep, the genome-wide association studies (GWAS) were performed based on single-locus regression method using genotypes from the OvineSNP50 Bead Chip for these traits. Data consisted of 365 animals from the Chinese merino sheep breed. After we adjusted for multiple testing based on permutations, 2 and 3 genome-wise significant SNPs were identified for staple length, greasy fleece yield respectively. These SNPs were located close to known genes (9.16-143.32 kb). The three genes of FIBIN, HSD17B11, PIAS1 were highlighted, considering their functions of involving in the different signaling pathway related to hair/wool development and growth. The observation of QTL reports for wool staple length and fiber diameter, covering areas surrounding the three genes (SNPs) herein identified provided more evidence for these associations. Future studies targeting these areas could provide further knowledge to discover the genetic architecture underlying staple length and greasy fleece mass traits in Chinese Merino sheep.
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