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引用本文:王群,赵晓勤,赵云龙,陈立侨. 刀额新对虾输精管的组织学及精荚形成[J]. 中国水产科学, 2002, 9(2): 110-113
作者姓名:王群  赵晓勤  赵云龙  陈立侨
摘    要:刀额新对虾 (Metapenaeusensis)采自福建沿海 ,体长约 14cm。活体解剖、取样、固定 ,于OlympusBH 2显微镜下观察 ,其生殖管道分为前输精管、中输精管、后输精管和端壶腹 4部分。前输精管上皮为单层柱状上皮 ,其分泌物呈嗜碱性 ;中输精管分泌物为嗜酸性 ,前段为高柱状上皮 ,后段则为柱状上皮 ,至后段共出现 2处上皮隆起 ,隆起间为扁平上皮 ;分泌管出现于中输精管前段 ,其分泌物呈嗜酸性 ,开口于中输精管后段 ,分泌物由此处流入中输精管腔 ;后输精管腔结构与中输精管腔相似 ,但管径缩小 ;端壶腹共分 3个腔 ,其中 2个由后输精管腔延续形成 ,精荚 1个。精荚由精子团和精荚壁组成。精荚壁分 2层 ,内层为均匀的嗜碱性初级精荚壁 ,精子团位于初级精荚壁中央 ;外层为次级精荚壁 ,呈嗜酸性 ,略呈“C”形包被于初级精荚壁之外。整个精荚横切面的外形似柳叶状 ,分为光滑区和皱折区 2部分 ,光滑区由次级精荚壁包被 ,皱褶区则为裸露的初级精荚壁。精荚形成于中输精管后段 ,它是由前输精管的嗜碱性分泌物、中输精管嗜酸性分泌物以及分泌管上皮细胞分泌物经复杂的化学变化形成

关 键 词:刀额新对虾  输精管  精荚形成  组织学

Histology of vas deferens and formation of spermatophore in prawn Metapenaeus ensis
WANG Qun,ZHAO Xiao qin,ZHAO Yun long,CHEN Li qiao. Histology of vas deferens and formation of spermatophore in prawn Metapenaeus ensis[J]. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 2002, 9(2): 110-113
Authors:WANG Qun  ZHAO Xiao qin  ZHAO Yun long  CHEN Li qiao
Abstract:The Metapenaeus ensis individuals were collected from Fujian coastal areas, body length 14 cm. The samples were observed under Olympus BH 2 microscope after vivisection,routine fixation and wax embedment. The results show that the reproductive duct of M. ensis consists of anterior vas deferens,middle vas deferens,posterior vas deferens and seminal vesicle. The epithelium of anterior vas deferens is columnar and its secretion is basophily. The forepart of the middle vas deferens is high columnar epithelium and the rear end is columnar epithelium. The secretion of the middle vas deferens is acidophily. The structure of the posterior vas deferens is similar to that of the middle vas deferens,but its diameter is shorter than that of the middle vas deferens. The seminal vesicle has three lumina with one spermatophore. The spermatophore consists of sperm mass and spermatophore wall which is divided into two layers-inner layer and outer layer with the sperm mass in the middle of the inner layer. The inner layer is called primary spermatophore wall which is homogeneous and basophily. The outer layer is called secondary spermatophore wall which is acidophily and partly encloses the primary spermatophore wall. The transvers section of the spermatophore is willow leaf shaped and is divided into smooth zone which is enclosed by the secondary spermatophore wall and corrugate zone which is composed of primary spermatophore wall. The spermatophore formed in the posterior region of the middle vas defrerens,is the product of the secretions of anterior vas deferens,middle vas deferens and secretory tube by complex chemical changes.
Keywords:Metapenaeus ensis  vas deferens  spermatophore formation  histology
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