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The use of impulse oscillometry for separate analysis of inspiratory and expiratory impedance parameters in horses: effects of sedation with xylazine
Authors:Klein C  Smith H-J  Reinhold P
Affiliation:Research Centre of Medical Technology and Biotechnology (fzmb), Geranienweg 7, D-99947 Bad Langensalza, Germany. cklein@fzmb.de
Abstract:AIM: To improve the outcome of parameters measured by the impulse oscillometry system (IOS) in horses by separate assessment of inspiratory and expiratory impedance spectra in the frequency range between 1 and 10 Hz. As basis for further studies, the influence of sedation with xylazine on respiratory impedance was also investigated. METHODS: (i) The respiratory impedance of 11 horses was measured using IOS before and 6 min after sedation (xylazine; 0.6 mg/kg b.w.). (ii) The time course of impedance parameters in a period of 24 min after administration of xylazine was evaluated in 12 horses at regular intervals of 3 min. Resistance (R(rs)), reactance (X(rs)), and coherence (Co) were calculated as mean spectra (R(rs),X(rs),Co) of the entire measurement as well as separated into inspiration (Ri(rs),Xi(rs),Coi) and expiration (Re(rs),Xe(rs),Coe) at frequencies of 1, 5, and 10 Hz. RESULTS: (i) R(rs), X(rs) as well as Re(rs) and Xe(rs) revealed no significant influence of sedation. However, separate analysis of inspiration and expiration revealed a significant influence of sedation on all inspiratory impedance parameters. (ii) During the 24 min period after sedation, almost all inspiratory parameters were found significantly dependent on the time course of sedation whereas expiratory parameters Re10, Xe1, and Xe5 were not influenced. These results indicate that confounding factors due to sedation act mainly during inspiration. Muscle relaxation in upper airways due to xylazine is suspected to be the main cause of these phenomena.
Keywords:Impulse oscillometry   Respiratory mechanics   Inspiration   Expiration   Horse   Xylazine
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