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引用本文:樊志明,连暐暐,连建伟. 连建伟教授辨治郁证六法[J]. 勤云标准版测试, 2017, 37(8): 861-862
作者姓名:樊志明  连暐暐  连建伟
作者单位:宁波市镇海区中医医院, 浙江 宁波 315200,浙江中医药大学第一附属医院, 浙江 杭州 310000,浙江中医药大学, 浙江 杭州 310000
摘    要:郁证是指由于情志不舒、气机郁滞所致,以心情抑郁、情绪不宁、胸部满闷、胁肋胀痛,或易怒喜哭,喜叹息,或不思饮食,失眠多梦,或咽中如有异物梗塞等症为主要临床表现的一类病症,此与现代医学的抑郁障碍相似。现代社会高强度,快节奏的生活,各种家庭社会问题频发,人们心理生理压力普遍增加,郁证的发病率呈上升趋势。连建伟教授认为:情志怫郁为郁证之始因,气机郁结而进一步导致痰、湿、食、血诸郁为郁证之病机。因此,连老师临证多从情志郁结辨治郁证,常以疏肝解郁、养血健脾;行气开郁、降逆化痰;清化痰湿、温胆开郁;活血化瘀、行气解郁;益气补血、健脾养心;滋阴清热、镇心安神等六法来统领而治,每获良效,可为后学者法。

关 键 词:郁证  疏肝解郁  养血健脾  活血化瘀  镇心安神  连建伟

Experience of Professor Lian Jianwei in Treating Depression
FAN Zhiming,LIAN Weiwei and LIAN Jianwei. Experience of Professor Lian Jianwei in Treating Depression[J]. , 2017, 37(8): 861-862
Authors:FAN Zhiming  LIAN Weiwei  LIAN Jianwei
Affiliation:Zhenhai District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Ningbo, Zhejiang 315200, China,The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310000, China and Zhejiang University of Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310000, China
Abstract:Depression syndrome is a disease which due to emotional discomfort, Qi stagnation, with feelings of depression, mood restless, chest stuffiness, hypochondrium distending pain, or irritability, tearing, sighing, or poor appetite, insomnia, or foreign body sensation in pharynx as main clinical symptoms, similar to depressive disoders of modern medicine. The modern high-intensity, fast-paced life, frequent various family social problems, the psychological pressure are increasing, the incidence of depression rate is on the rise. Professor Lian holds that emotional stagnating for depression syndrome is due to Qi stagnation, which leads to the stagnation of phlegm, dampness, food and blood. Therefore, professor Lian usually treat depression from depressed emotion. The six methods of "soothing liver-Qi stagnation, nourishing blood and spleen", "promoting Qi to resolving depression, lowering the adverse Qi and reducing phlegm", "clearing damp-phlegm, warming gallbladder to relieving depression", "promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, promoting Qi circulation and relieving depression", "Tonifying Qi and nourishing blood, tonifying spleen and nourishing heart", "nourishing Yin and clearing heat, relieve uneasiness of mind and body tranquilization" show good effect, which provide experiences for the later scholars.
Keywords:depression syndrome  soothing liver-Qi stagnation  norishing blood and tonifying spleen  promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis  relieve uneasiness of mind and body tranquilization  Lian Jianwei
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