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Preclinical evaluation of rapeseed, raspberry, and pine bark phenolics for health related effects
Authors:Vuorela Satu  Kreander Kari  Karonen Maarit  Nieminen Riina  Hämäläinen Mari  Galkin Anna  Laitinen Leena  Salminen Juha-Pekka  Moilanen Eeva  Pihlaja Kalevi  Vuorela Heikki  Vuorela Pia  Heinonen Marina
Affiliation:Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, Division of Food Chemistry, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 27 (Latokartanonkaari 11), 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland.
Abstract:Rapeseed, raspberry, and pine bark are promising bioactive sources of plant phenolics selected from among ca. 100 previously screened plant materials for in vitro preclinical evaluation of health related effects. Phenolic extracts and isolated fractions of the selected materials were investigated for antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, and antimutagenic properties as well as for cell permeability. It was shown that rapeseed and pine bark phenolics and raspberry anthocyanins were good or excellent antioxidants toward oxidation of phosphatidylcholine membrane (liposomes), rapeseed oil (crude) phenolics were effective radical scavengers (DPPH test), and both raspberry and pine bark phenolics inhibited LDL oxidation. Rapeseed oil phenolics, principally vinylsyringol, raspberry anthocyanins, and pinoresinol and matairesinol, the principal components of pine bark phenolic isolate, were effective against formation of the proinflammatory mediator, prostaglandin E(2). Raspberry ellagitannins inhibited the growth of Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella oxytoca. Pine bark and rapeseed had minor effects on the permeability of model drugs in Caco-2 experiments. None of the tested extracts were mutagenic nor toxic to Caco-2 cells or macrophages. Thus, phenolic isolates from rapeseed, raspberry, and pine bark and are safe and bioactive for possible food applications including functional foods intended for health benefit.
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