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The effect of exogenous purine supply on the endogenous excretion of purine derivatives in the urine of growing lambs
Authors:Tsutomu FUJIHARA  Martin N. SHEM   Tohru MATSUI
Affiliation:Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane University, Matsue-shi, Japan
Abstract:An experiment was made to determine the absorption of purine metabolites in dietary nucleic acids through the digestive tract, and also to determine the utilization of nucleic acids absorbed in the body, using growing lambs. Two pairs of 120‐ and 180‐day‐old twin female lambs with a bodyweight of 18.2–19.0 kg were kept in metabolism crates and fed on purine‐free milk replacement (MR) with supplements of exogenous purine (purine base or purine nucleoside) at a level of 0.2 mmol/BW0.75/d for 5 consecutive days, and thereafter they were maintained in the crates for 4 days. The daily amount of exogenous purine supply was calculated based on the urinary excreted purine derivatives (PD) in lambs fed on milk replacement alone. A urine sample was collected daily for 9 consecutive days, and the urinary excretion of PD was determined daily. Urinary PD excretion opened to increase within 24 h after the dose of purine bases, and the level was recovered on 3 days after ceasing the exogenous purine supply. The recovery of PD in the urine was about 70% of the purine supplement. When purine nucleosides were added to the feed, urinary PD excretion was initiated within 24 h after dosing, and the values were recovered after ending the purine nucleoside supply. The recovery rate of PD in the urine was only 30% of the supplemented purine. The plasma allantoin levels were almost similar after feeding purine bases and purine nucleosides, and the values were mostly in the range (40–60 µmol/L). These findings indicate that an exogenous purine can be directly incorporated into the body, and the purine as nucleoside is more effectively utilized for the synthesis of nucleic acids than as a purine base in the body of growing lambs.
Keywords:bottle feeding    exogenous purine    lambs    urinary purine derivative excretion
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