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摘    要:我区退耕还林工程开始于1999年,是全国最早开始实施退耕还林试点县之一,退耕还林工程是政策性最强、投资量最大、涉及面最广、群众参与程度最高的一项生态建设工程。退耕还林工程在我区已实施了20个年头,取得了可喜的成绩,在实施过程中存在林分质量不高、后续产业滞后等问题。本文提出在退耕还林工作中存在的问题及建议,为退耕还林工作提供参考。

关 键 词:安塞区  退耕还林工作 思考

Thoughts on the work of returning farmland to forest in Ansai District
Abstract:the project of returning farmland to forest in our district started in 1999, which is one of the earliest pilot counties in China. The project of returning farmland to forest is an ecological construction project with the strongest policy, the largest investment, the widest coverage and the highest participation of the masses. The project has been implemented in our district for 20 years, and has made gratifying achievements. In the process of implementation, there are some problems such as low quality of forest stands, lag of follow-up industries and so on. This paper puts forward the existing problems and suggestions in the work of returning farmland to forest, which provides reference for the work of returning farmland to forest.
Keywords:thinking  about the  work of  returning farmland  to forest  in Ansai  Distric
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