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引用本文:张 艺,戴 齐,尹力初,谷忠元. 后续施肥措施改变对水稻土团聚体有机碳分布及其周转的影响[J]. 土壤, 2017, 49(5): 969-976. DOI: 10.13758/j.cnki.tr.2017.05.017
作者姓名:张 艺  戴 齐  尹力初  谷忠元
摘    要:利用一个长达30 a且已进行适当变更的长期定位施肥试验,改施C4玉米秸秆以替代C3水稻秸秆,运用δ~(13)C自然丰度方法,研究长期施用高量有机肥、常量有机肥、化肥及当其施肥措施改变(化肥改为常量有机肥、常量有机肥改为高量有机肥、高量有机肥改为化肥、常量有机肥改为化肥)3 a后对红壤性水稻土团聚体有机碳分布及其周转的影响。结果表明:在所有施肥处理条件下红壤性水稻土团聚体分布以大团聚体(0.25 mm)为主,占72.48%~86.33%。与施用化肥30 a相比,长期施用常量有机肥、高量有机肥有利于促进红壤性水稻土粗大团聚体(2 mm)的形成,并提高团聚体平均重量直径(MWD)。团聚体中有机碳含量随着团聚体粒径的增大而增大,大团聚体更有利于有机碳富集。长期常量有机肥、高量有机肥处理下红壤性水稻土中有机碳主要贮存在粗大团聚体(2 mm)中,而长期化肥处理下以细大团聚体(2~0.25 mm)对土壤有机碳贡献率最高。外源新碳施入量越多,全土和各粒径团聚体新碳含量越高,且外源新碳主要分布在大团聚中。在后续施肥措施改变3年后,增加有机肥施入量(化改常、常改高)2 mm粗大团聚体、MWD、全土及各粒径团聚体中有机碳含量将分别显著提高7.08%~73.13%、5.38%~44.22%、14.53%~38.50%、0.70%~35.86%;而减少有机肥施入量(高改化、常改化)则与之相反,分别降低28.17%~43.20%、21.17%~31.54%、17.54%~27.30%、11.49%~29.77%。因此,在我国南方红壤性稻作区的农业生产过程中应继续或加大施用有机肥,从而进一步维持或改善土壤结构,提高土壤有机碳含量。

关 键 词:喀长期定位试验  红壤性水稻土  土壤团聚体  土壤有机碳  13C  施肥改变

Effects of Following-up Fertilization Reforming on Distribution and Turnover of Aggregate-associated Organic Carbon in Paddy Soils
ZHANG Yi,DAI QI,YIN Lichu and GU Zhongyuan. Effects of Following-up Fertilization Reforming on Distribution and Turnover of Aggregate-associated Organic Carbon in Paddy Soils[J]. Soils, 2017, 49(5): 969-976. DOI: 10.13758/j.cnki.tr.2017.05.017
Authors:ZHANG Yi  DAI QI  YIN Lichu  GU Zhongyuan
Affiliation:College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University,College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University,College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University and College of Resources and Environment, Hunan Agricultural University
Abstract:A 30a experiment was altered and rice straw (C3 crop) applied as organic fertilizer was replaced by maize straw (C4 crop) in 2012. Soil aggregation, aggregate-associated organic carbon contents and itsδ13C values were measured to determine the effects of following-up fertilization reforming on their distribution and turnover after 3 years fertilization alteration under seven different fertilization treatments, i.e. high organic material (HOM), normal organic material (NOM), chemical fertilizer (CF), normal organic fertilization treatment changed from chemical fertilization treatment (C-N), chemical fertilization treatment changed from original normal organic fertilization treatment(N-C), chemical fertilization treatment changed from original high organic fertilization treatment (H-C), high organic fertilization treatment changed from original normal organic fertilization treatment (N-H). The results showed that the macroaggregates (>0.25mm) were the dominant component in the red paddy soil under all fertilization treatments, accounting for approximately 72.48%-86.33% of the total soil aggregates. Compared with chemical fertilizer for 30 years, long term application of organic fertilizer(HOM and NOM)significantly increased the ratio of the large macroaggregates (>2mm) and improved MWD. The contents of organic carbon in soil aggregates increased with the increasing particle size of the aggregates, and macroaggregates were more favorable for soil organic carbon enrichment. Large macroaggregates (>2mm) were the main contributor of soil organic carbon under organic fertilization treatments (HOM and NOM) in the red paddy soil, while it was small macroaggregates (2-0.25mm) under chemical fertilization treatment. The more application of fresh organic carbon, the higher new soil organic carbon content of whole soil and all sizes of aggregates. The new soil organic carbon was mainly distributed in the macroaggregates (>0.25mm). After 3 years following-up fertilization alteration, the ratio of the large macroaggregates (>2mm), MWD, organic carbon in whole soil, and aggregate-associated organic carbon was improved by 7.08%-73.13%, 5.38%-44.22%, 14.53%-38.50% and 0.70%-35.86% respectively under the treatments of increasing input of organic fertilizer (C-N and N-H), while reduced by 28.17%-43.20%, 21.17%-31.54%, 17.54%-27.30% and 11.49%-29.77% respectively under the treatments of reducing input of organic fertilizer (H-C and N-C). As a conclusion, the following-up organic fertilization is necessary to maintain or improve red paddy soil aggregation and organic carbon in the southern China.
Keywords:Long-term experiment   Red paddy soil   Soil aggregates   Soil organic carbon   13C   Fertilization change
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