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作者姓名:李克驴  候万泉  兰在堂  师俄
摘    要:本研究是为解决在犊牛培育上还存在着哺乳期长、喂奶量多、成本高的问题,针对我省实际情况而进行的。试验共分四组,第一组哺乳期30天喂160公斤奶、二、三组分别为45天喂240公斤奶、60天喂340公斤奶、对照组为105天喂600公斤奶。每组各五头牛,体重相似,对吃奶少的乳犊,在较早日龄补饲优质植物性饲料,为的是刺激胃肠的发育,促进瘤胃微生物区系的建立,从而提高经济效益。从试验效果来看,乳犊在前期喂奶少增重慢,但后期能得到补偿,9——12月龄的平均日增重试验组均已超过对照组,12——18月龄效果更为明显,18月龄时全部参加配种。体尺测定结果三个试验组略低于对照组,但均属正常发育。试验一组每天采食、反刍时间长,每一食丸咀嚼次数最多,而对照组最少。每日精料和粗料的进食量试验组均高于对照组。在6个月龄的饲料和其他费用试验组牛远低于对照组牛从本试验可以得出以下结论;培育乳犊的奶量由600——800公斤降为200——300公斤,哺乳期由4——5个月减为2个月是可行的,目前山西省每年约可产乳犊8000头,如果采用此法培育约可增加商品奶300万公斤,仅牛奶一项可增收180万元。

Studies of Raising Dairy Calves in an Economical Way
Abstract:The dairy industry had developed rapidly in recent years in our country, but the milk supply still can't meet the demands of market. In order to raise dairy calves with less milk and less feed cost an experiment was made. The experiment was divided into four groups: group 1 was fed 160 Kg milk, weaned at 30 days of age;group 2,3 was fed 240 Kg. 340 Kg milk respeltively, and Weaned at45 days and 60 days of age; group 4, the contral was fed 600 Kg milk. weaned at 105 days of age. Each group contained 5 calves, with similar with weights.The calves feeding less milk were supple-mented with good quality plant feeds at early ages so as to stimulate the development of gastrointestinal tract and the establishment of micro-organisms in the rumen. From the results, it can be seen the calves given less milk gained less in weight,but body weight can be compensated later on as the calves grew older.The average daily gain at 9-12 mos of age, of the experimental groups of calves surpassed that of the control calves. At 12—18 mos of age, the daily gain was even more apparent and all were mated at mos of age. The body measurements in centimeters of the three expenimental groups of calves were smaller wilh those of the contral calves, but the former developed normally. Group 1 calves spent the longest time of the day eating and ruminating, and the numbers of saw movements per bolus were also be the most, while the contral calves were the least. The daily intakes of concentrates and roughage in the experimental groups of calves were higher than that of the contral. The feed expenses and other costs in 6 mos of age for the experimental calves were a lot lower than the controls From the experiment it may be concluded that it is possible to cut the amount of milk from 600—800 Kg to 200—300 Kg and reduce the nursing period from 4.5mos to 2mos. At present we have approximately 8000 dairy calves in Shanxi,if the way of raising calves is adopted, about 3.000.000 Kg of commercial milk, may be saved that means 1.8 million yuan income increased.
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