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Linking macrodetritivore distribution to desiccation resistance in small forest fragments embedded in agricultural landscapes in Europe
Authors:Pallieter De Smedt  Lander Baeten  Willem Proesmans  Matty P. Berg  Jörg Brunet  Sara A. O. Cousins  Guillaume Decocq  Marc Deconchat  Martin Diekmann  Emilie Gallet-Moron  Brice Giffard  Jaan Liira  Ludmilla Martin  Astra Ooms  Alicia Valdés  Monika Wulf  Martin Hermy  Dries Bonte  Kris Verheyen
Affiliation:1.Forest & Nature Lab,Ghent University,Melle-Gontrode,Belgium;2.Department of Ecological Science/Animal Ecology, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences,Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,Amsterdam,The Netherlands;3.Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences,University of Groningen,Groningen,The Netherlands;4.Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre,Alnarp,Sweden;5.Biogeography and Geomatics, Department of Physical Geography,Stockholm University,Stockholm,Sweden;6.Jules Verne University of Picardie, UR Ecologie Et Dynamique Des Systèmes Anthropisés (EDYSAN, FRE 3498 CNRS),Amiens Cedex 1,France;7.UMR 1201 Dynafor, Inra, Chemin de Borde Rouge,Castanet Tolosan,France;8.Institute of Ecology, FB02, University of Bremen,Bremen,Germany;9.Bordeaux Sciences Agro, University of Bordeaux,Gradignan,France;10.Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences,University of Tartu,Tartu,Estonia;11.Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences,Stockholm University,Stockholm,Sweden;12.Institute of Land Use Systems, Leibniz-ZALF (E.V.),Müncheberg,Germany;13.Division of Forest, Nature and Landscape,University of Leuven,Louvain,Belgium;14.Terrestrial Ecology Unit (TEREC), Dept. Biology,Ghent University,Ghent,Belgium


Most of the agricultural landscape in Europe, and elsewhere, consists of mosaics with scattered fragments of semi-natural habitat like small forest fragments. Mutual interactions between forest fragments and agricultural areas influence ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling, a process strongly mediated by the macrodetritivore community, which is however, poorly studied. We investigated macrodetritivore distribution patterns at local and landscape-level and used a key functional trait (desiccation resistance) to gain mechanistic insights of the putative drivers.


Macrodetritivores were sampled in forest edges-centres of 224 European forest fragments across 14 landscapes opposing in land use intensity. We used a multilevel analysis of variance to assess the relative contribution of different spatial scales in explaining activity-density and Shannon-diversity of woodlice and millipedes, together with a model-based analysis of the multivariate activity-density data testing the effect on species composition. Secondly, we tested if desiccation resistance of macrodetritivores varied across communities at different spatial scales using linear mixed effect models.


Forest edge-centre and landscape use intensity determined activity-density and community composition of macrodetritivores in forest fragments, while fragment characteristics like size and continuity were relatively unimportant. Forest edges and higher intensity landscapes supported higher activity-density of macrodetritivores and determined species composition. Forest edges sustained woodlouse communities dominated by more drought tolerant species.


Landscape use intensity and forest edges are main drivers in macrodetritivore distribution in forest fragments with desiccation resistance a good predictor of macrodetritivore distribution. Key functional traits can help us to predict changes in community structure in changing landscapes.
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