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Antigenicity of cortical bone allografts in dogs and effect of ethylene oxide-sterilization.
Authors:M Tshamala  E Cox  H De Cock  B M Goddeeris  D Mattheeuws
Affiliation:Department of Medicine and Clinical Biology of Small Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, RUG, Merelbeke, Belgium.
Abstract:The aims of the present study were to determine the antigenicity of cortical bone allografts and the effect of ethylene oxide-sterilization (EO-sterilization). Cortical bone allografts from one donor dog were implanted in a muscle pouch in four groups of four dogs each. The grafts were either fresh, EO-sterilized, demineralized or demineralized and EO-sterilized. The immune response against the grafts was determined by measuring the antibody response against surface antigens of donor cells and by the mixed lymphocyte reaction. Dogs receiving EO-sterilized grafts or bone matrix did not demonstrate an immune response. Only two of the four dogs with fresh cortical bone grafts showed a very weak immune response. This suggests a priming of the host by the fresh bone grafts. However, implanting skin grafts from the donor dog subdermally, in one dog of each of the groups, four months after implanting the bone grafts did not induce a secondary immune response. Macroscopic and histologic examination of the bone grafts five months after their implantation consistently revealed graft resorption (activity of osteoclasts) and vascularization of the fresh bone grafts, but not of EO-sterilized fresh grafts. For most EO-sterilized grafts, a strong inflammatory reaction was present in the tissues surrounding the graft and this was not apparent around the non-sterilized grafts. The absence of resorption and the presence of the inflammation seemed to be unwanted effects of the EO-sterilization. The EO-sterilisation did not affect osteoinduction since osteocytes were observed in the EO-sterilized demineralized grafts. Results indicate that cortical bone allografts used in the present study are very weak antigens and that the EO-sterilization procedure used has no effect on osteoinduction, but decreases bone resorption.
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