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引用本文:付浩然,李婷玉,曹寒冰,张卫峰. 我国化肥减量增效的驱动因素探究[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2020, 26(3): 561-580. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.19365
作者姓名:付浩然  李婷玉  曹寒冰  张卫峰
作者单位:中国农业大学资源与环境学院,北京 100091
摘    要:  【目的】  过量施用化肥一直是我国农业面临的突出问题。近些年,随着多种化肥减量措施的实施,我国在2016 首次实现化肥的零增长,并在2017、2018两年实现了化肥用量的持续减量,这一目标的实现对我国及全球养分管理意义重大。本研究通过对化肥减量的技术、政策、市场、服务体系等驱动因素进行深入剖析,以期揭示我国化肥减量的综合机制。  【结果】  近15年 (2005—2020年) 来,测土配方施肥、机械化施肥、水肥一体化、秸秆还田、有机肥资源化利用以及栽培等技术的发展是我国化肥减量的主要技术途径。有机肥还田、秸秆还田比例的增加,在一定程度上替代了化肥的施用。其中,2010—2019年我国实现畜禽粪便养分还田1700万t,秸秆氮磷钾养分还田近1800万t。与此同时,多重化肥减量政策的推行为我国实现化肥减量提供了制度保障,如《关于推进化肥行业转型发展的指导意见》促进了产品创新,《到2020年化肥零增长行动方案》、《畜禽粪污资源化利用行动方案 (2017—2020年) 》以及《农业绿色发展五大行动》提高了农业生产的节肥意识并促进了节肥增效技术的应用。消费者对高品质作物的需求以及经营规模的扩大等市场需求也强力助推化肥的减量增效。其中,高品质农产品需求量的不断增加,以及在农产品价格不稳定的情况下优质农产品的价格优势,加上尿素、二铵等化肥价格的上涨也促使农产品向高品质转变,与此同时大规模的土地流转伴随机械化的普及也降低了小农户施肥的随意性和盲目性。此外,政府、企业以及科研单位3个服务主体农化服务的不断完善和发展,更是推进了化肥减量“最后一公里”的实施。目前超过70%的肥料企业都在做培训、试验示范等农化服务工作,政府主导的十年测土配方施肥已经让1/3的农户施肥趋于合理水平,基于中国农业大学的科技小院模式也使得中国23个省区主要粮食作物增产10.8%~11.5%,氮肥用量减少14.7%~18.1%。  【结论】  我国已经提前实现了2020年化肥零增长的目标,其中技术、政策和服务体系都起到了不可替代的作用,这表明我国农业生产已经步入了新的阶段,但是目前我国化肥施用不合理现象仍然突出,实现化肥科学施用仍有很长的路要走。

关 键 词:化肥减量   技术   政策   市场   服务体系

Research on the driving factors of fertilizer reduction in China
FU Hao-ran,LI Ting-yu,CAO Han-bing,ZHANG Wei-feng. Research on the driving factors of fertilizer reduction in China[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2020, 26(3): 561-580. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.19365
Authors:FU Hao-ran  LI Ting-yu  CAO Han-bing  ZHANG Wei-feng
Affiliation:College of Resources and Environment, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100091,China
Abstract:  【Objectives】  Excessive application of chemical fertilizers has always been a prominent problem which the China’s agriculture faces. In recent years, with the implementation of various fertilizer reduction measures, China achieved zero growth of chemical fertilizer for the first time in 2016 and achieved continuous reduction of fertilizer use in 2017 and 2018. The realization of this goal is of great significance to China and global nutrient management. The drivers of technology, policy, market and service system were analyzed deeply to reveal the comprehensive mechanism of fertilizer reduction in China.  【Results】  In the past 15 years (2005–2020), the development of soil testing and formula fertilization, mechanized fertilization, fertigation, straw returning, organic fertilizer resource utilization and cultivation techniques are the main technical ways for fertilizer reduction in China. The increase in the proportion of organic fertilizer and straw returning to the field has replaced the application of chemical fertilizer to a certain extent. In 2010, 17 million tons of manure nutrients and 18 million tons of straw nutrients were returned to the field. At the same time, the implementation of multiple fertilizer reduction policies has provided institutional guarantee for the realization of fertilizer reduction in China. For example, the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Transformation and Development of Fertilizer Industry” promoted product innovation, “Chemical Fertilizer Zero Growth Action Plan by 2020”, “The Action Plan for the Utilization of Livestock and Poultry Resources (2017–2020) ”and “the Five Actions for Agricultural Green Development” have increased the awareness of fertilizer-saving and promoted adoption of efficiency-enhancing technologies. The demand of market for high-quality crops and the expansion of land transfer area has also become a powerful motivation for fertilizers. Among them, the increasing demand for high-quality agricultural products and the price advantage of high-quality agricultural products under the conditions of unstable agricultural product prices, coupled with the increase in the prices of chemical fertilizers such as urea and diammonium phosphate, also promotes the transformation of agricultural products to high quality, while at the same time, the land transfer accompanied by the popularization of mechanization also reduces the randomness and blindness of small farmers’ fertilization. In addition, the continuous improvement and development of the agrochemical services of the three service entities of the government, enterprises and scientific research institutes have solved the problem of the “last mile” of fertilizer reduction. At present, more than 70% of the fertilizer enterprises are doing agricultural training, experimental demonstration and other agricultural services. The ten-year soil testing formula fertilization led by the government has made 1/3 of the farmers’ fertilization tend to a reasonable level. The Science and Technology Back yard mode based on China Agricultural University also makes the main grain crops in 23 provinces and districts of China increase 10.8%–11.5% and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer reduced 14.7%–18.1%.  【Conclusions】  China has already achieved the goal of zero fertilizer growth in 2020 ahead of schedule. Technology, policy and service systems have made an irreplaceable contribution to the achievement. This shows that China’s agricultural production has entered a new stage, however, the over application of chemical fertilizers in China is still common, and need a untiring work to realize a radical improvement in scientific application of chemical fertilizers.
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