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引用本文:杨晓坡,刘铁志,李婧. 内蒙古龟背竹锈病病原菌的鉴定[J]. 植物病理学报, 2020, 50(3): 369-372
作者姓名:杨晓坡  刘铁志  李婧
摘    要:<正>龟背竹Monstera deliciosa是天南星科Araceae一种多年生攀缘性常绿灌木,原产墨西哥,各热带地区多引种栽培供观赏[1]。在我国广东、福建和云南等南方地区,龟背竹可栽培于露地;而在冬季较为寒冷干燥的北方地区,龟背竹仅能栽培于室内,是著名的盆栽观叶植物。2019年4月,内蒙古赤峰市发现一株室内盆栽龟背竹部分叶片出现严重锈病病斑,经形态学和分子系统学鉴定,该病原菌为略小柄锈菌Puccinia paullula Syd. &


Identification of the pathogen causing rust disease on Monstera deliciosa in Inner Mongolia
YANG Xiao-po,LIU Tie-zhi,Li Jing. Identification of the pathogen causing rust disease on Monstera deliciosa in Inner Mongolia[J]. Acta Phytopathologica Sinica, 2020, 50(3): 369-372
Authors:YANG Xiao-po  LIU Tie-zhi  Li Jing
Affiliation:College of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Chifeng University, Chifeng 024000, China
Abstract:Monstera deliciosa (Araceae) is a tropical American rainforest monocotyledon which is well-known as ornamental foliage plant introduced into many parts of the world. Rust disease on M. deliciosa was found in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia in 2019. Morphological characteristics of the rust indicated that it was closely related to Puccinia paullula on Amorphophallus spp. in Philippines. Phylogenetic analysis of the LSU (ribosomal DNA Large Subunit) sequence indicated highly homologous to P. paullula (KY764151 and KX999886). The ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) sequence of P. paullula was not found in GenBank except our submission (MK949148). The pathogen was identified as P. paullula f.sp. monsterae based on morphological and molecular evidence. To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. paullula infecting M. deliciosa in north China.
Keywords:Monstera deliciosa  Puccinia paullula  rust disease  Inner Mongolia  
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