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Influence of food quality and quantity on the growth and development of Crassostrea gigas larvae: a modeling approach
Authors:Eric N. Powell   Eleanor A. Bochenek   John M. Klinck  Eileen E. Hofmann

a Haskin Shellfish Research Laboratory, Rutgers University, 6959 Miller Avenue, Port Norris, NJ 08349, USA

b Center for Coastal Physical Oceanography, Crittenton Hall, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529, USA

Abstract:A biochemically based model was developed to simulate the growth, development and metamorphosis of larvae of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The model is unique in that it (1) defines larvae in terms of their protein, neutral lipid, polar lipid, carbohydrate and ash content; (2) tracks weight separately from length to follow larval condition index and (3) includes genetic variation in growth efficiency and egg quality to better simulate cohort population dynamics. The model includes parameterizations for larval filtration, ingestion and respiration that determine growth rate and processes controlling larval mortality and metamorphosis. Changes in tissue composition occur as the larva grows and in response to the biochemical composition of the food.

The simulations show that genetically determined variations in growth efficiency produce significant changes in larval survival and success at metamorphosis. Larvae with low growth efficiency are successful under a much narrower range of culture conditions than larvae with high growth efficiency. The impact of low growth efficiency is primarily controlled by the ability of larvae to store lipid for metamorphosis. Culture conditions that provide increased dietary lipid counterweigh low growth efficiency. Changes in food quantity and quality had little effect on size at metamorphosis. On the other hand, larval life span and success rate at metamorphosis varied over a wide range depending upon the conditions of the simulation. Food quality and food availability both influence larval life span and, hence, larval survival. As ingestion rate decreases, larval life span increases and cohort survival declines. Increased lipid or decreased protein in the diet improves cohort survival. Changes in carbohydrate content are less influential. If cohort success is significantly affected by mortality during larval life rather than success at metamorphosis, the influence of food quality becomes more complex. The range of food compositions yielding high survival is restricted by a balance between improved success at metamorphosis obtained by increased lipid storage and the shortening of larval life span as a result of more rapid growth, a function of protein availability. These simulations illustrate the strength and utility of numerical models for evaluating and designing hatchery protocols for optimizing yield of C. gigas larvae.

Keywords:Crassostrea gigas   Hatchery   Larvae   Oyster   Numerical model   Biochemical composition   Metamorphosis   Genetics
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