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Effects of diet and sediment type on survival, growth and moulting of juvenile tiger crab, Orithyia sinica L.
Authors:Jung-Hoon Jee,Ja-Geun Koo,Yoo-Hwa Keum,Joon-Suk Kang,Kwan H A Park,&   Ju-Chan Kang
Affiliation:Aquaculture Development Division, Fisheries Resources Bureau, Ministry of Maritime Affairs &Fisheries, Seoul, Korea; Incheon Fisheries Hatchery Research Institute, Incheon, Korea; National Fisheries Products Quality Inspection Service, Seoul, Korea; Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, Kunsan National University, Kunsan, Korea; Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea
Abstract:This study investigated the effects of different types of diet and sediment on the growth parameters of juvenile tiger crab Orithyia sinica under laboratory conditions, focusing on survival, growth and moulting. In the first set of experiments, juvenile tiger crabs were reared with five different types of sediment, i.e., soft sand, coarse sand, soft sand mixed with coarse sand, mud or bare bottom. Soft sand resulted in not only the highest survival rate of 78% but also the best rate of growth and feed intake. Crabs reared with a mud substrate showed the worst results in these parameters. The intermoult period, however, was not affected by sediment types. In the second set of experiments, crabs were fed different types of diet to determine their effects on the same growth parameters. Diets were composed of different combinations with Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum), brine shrimp (Artemia nauplii), microencapsulated feeds and marine diatom (Chaetoceros gracilis). Survival and growth in crabs fed Manila clam as a diet component were significantly higher than in those on other diets. The highest survival and growth were achieved with a diet that included all four components. These results provide valuable information on the appropriate bottom substrates and diet types necessary for artificial mass culture of the tiger crab.
Keywords:tiger crab Orithyia sinica    growth parameters    diet    sediment
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