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引用本文:柯勇,李传仁. 柑橘大实蝇食物诱剂的诱杀特性研究[J]. 中国果业信息, 2013, 42(2)
作者姓名:柯勇  李传仁
摘    要:在田间测定了点喷和瓶诱两种施药方式下柑橘大实蝇4种常用食物诱剂的诱杀能力与诱杀持续期,结果表明,果瑞特、桔丰和糖醋液对柑橘大实蝇成虫均有较强的诱杀活性,其点喷施药的诱杀持效期为5-8d,并以6月中旬施药时的持效期最长,但挂瓶施药的持效期与施药时期相关,前(6月上旬)、中(6月中旬)、后期(6月下旬)施药的持效期逐渐缩短。建议在进行柑橘大实蝇成虫诱杀时,前期以挂瓶诱杀为主,中后期以点喷诱杀为主。

关 键 词:柑橘大实蝇,食物诱剂,诱杀能力,持效期

The characteristics of the food attractants of Bactrocera minax (Enderlein)
Abstract:The attractive activity and effective duration of the 4 kinds of common food attractants of Bactrocera minax (Enderlein) were tested by bottle-hanging and spot-spraying in the field, and the results showed that, Guoruite, Jufeng and sugar-vinegar attractants had stronger attractive activity to Bactrocera minax (Enderlein) adult. In spot-spraying, their effective duration was 5-8 d with the longest effective duration in the middle ten days of June; In bottle-hanging method, their effective duration was related to the trapping period with the longest in the first tens day of June and the shortest in the last ten days of June. The experiment suggested that bottle-hanging was mainly used in prophase trapping, and spot-spraying was mainly applied in the middle and late trapping to control Bactrocera minax (Enderlein) adult.
Keywords:Bactrocera minax (Enderlein)   food attractants   attraction activity   effective duration
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