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Gastrointestinal Parasites of Stabled and Grazing Horses in Central and Northern Greece
Authors:Margarita PapazahariadouElias Papadopoulos  DVM  MSc  PhD  Dipl EVPC  Anastasia DiakouSocrates Ptochos  DVM
Affiliation:Laboratory of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstract:The aim of this investigation was to compare parasites found in feces from stabled and grazing horses in Greece. For this, a total of 223 fecal samples were collected from horses from various parts of Central and Northern Greece. One hundred fifty were stabled and 73 were grazing horses, used for riding, working, or breeding. One hundred came from seven riding clubs, 73 from one breeding farm, and 50 were work horses from five farms. Parasitologic investigation was performed by applying three fecal examination techniques (Teleman's, zinc flotation, and stained smears) to detect ova, larvae, and oocysts of parasites. It was found that 77 the 223 horses (34.5%) in the study were infected with one or more parasite species. In the stabled horses, the most common parasites detected were eggs of strongyles, Strongyloides spp, Anoplocephala spp, Habronema spp, and Parascaris equorum and oocysts of Eimeria spp and Cryptosporidium spp; in the grazing horses, Anoplocephala spp. Strongyles were significantly more prevalent in the group of stabled horses than in the other group (P < .05). The results of the current study demonstrate that parasite infection is highly prevalent in horses in Greece.
Keywords:Horses   Stabled   Grazing   Parasites   Greece
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