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引用本文:秦其明. 五寨县土地结构、功能与分区利用[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 1988, 0(3)
摘    要:本文从土地资源系统分析入手,通过探讨土地结构和土地功能,根据土地 功能分区,阐述了土地资源合理开发利用的方向与措施。 五寨县位于山西省西北部,介于东经111°28′——113°,北纬38°44′——39°17′之间,为半湿润地区向半干旱地区过渡地带。土地总面积为1391.3平方公里,人口9.3万余人,人均土地约1.5公顷。境内,土地结构复杂多样,土地功能各不相同。长期以来,土地遭受风蚀水蚀和人类滥垦、滥牧的影响,土地功能失调,大部分土地沙化严重,出现半流动沙丘,土地亟待合理开发利用。

The Land structures,the Land functions and the Land exploitation in Wu Zai County
Abstract:In this paper, the land structures, the land functions and Comprehen-sive utilization of the land resources on natural area in Wu Zai County arediscussed as follows: First, the chief factors of land resources, Such as climate, Land form,Substance covering the earth surface, soil and vegetation、agricultural tec-hnology and land management, are analysed in detail. Then, the detailed study was made of the land structures and the landfunctions. The land structure includes the land element structures、the landspatial structures and the Land regional structures. According to land stru-ctures, there exists three functional land area: mountainous area, plain andtableland area, and loess Finally, the utilizational trend, rearrangemement measures and management of Land resources are described in each functional land area.
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