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引用本文:翟保平 陈瑞鹿. 亚洲玉米螟飞翔能力的初步研究[J]. 吉林农业科学, 1989, 0(1): 40-46
作者姓名:翟保平 陈瑞鹿
摘    要:通过配有微机记录系统的飞行磨吊飞方法,测定了亚洲玉米螟(Osirinia furnacaris)的飞翔能力及温度、湿度,气流等不同生态条件对其飞翔力的影响。初步探讨了亚洲玉米螟的飞翔扩散活动及可能的迁飞活动。玉米螟1日龄和2日龄雌蛾可累计飞翔30小时,150公里以上。飞翔速度平均1.5米/秒,最高可达2.4米/秒。雄蛾飞翔力初期稍弱,但3日龄以后强于雌蛾。玉米螟的飞翔适温区为20—30℃,高温低湿不利其飞翔。玉米螟在风速不大于1.53—1.6米/秒时可逆风飞翔,在较大的风速下顺风飞翔时,其自身的飞翔速度随风速增加而渐降,风速9米/秒时停止振翅,随风飘流。

关 键 词:玉米螟 亚洲玉米螟 飞翔能力 生态

FLIGH CAPACITY OF ASIAN CORN BORER(Ostrinia furnacaris Guenee)
Abstract:The flight capacity of the Asian Corn Borer (ACB) was determined in laboratory bY tethered-fligit techniqae, in which a flight mill, a circulaw wind tuunel and a microcomputer processing system was established. The effects of the age, sex, weight of pupa, temperatures, moisture, and wind speed on the flight capacity of ACB were tested. The possibility of the migratory movements of ACB was discussed. The strongest flight of the moths occur at 10—48h old in females and 3—day—old in males. During 24h tethered flight on the mill, the total flight duration and distance of the 2—day—old females are 23 hour and 120km on the average. During 48h, they can fly 39.8 h and 179 km. the longest single flight can be sustained for 32.8 h without any break. The average flight speed is 1.54 m/s and the maximum is 2.42 m/s in still air(all the data are original records without any drag calibration). The moths emerged from the pupae weighed from 71 to 119 mg showed a higher flight capacity. Temperature range from 20 to 30℃ is suitable for flight. Flight range and duration decline greatly at low R. H when tethered in a circular wind tunnel,their own flight speed reduce gradually with the increasing of the wind speed and they stop wing beat when the wind speed is more than 9m/s. They can make upwind flight when the wind speed is less than 1.53—1.6m/s. There is no apparent difference in behavior on the mill when the tests were conducted both during the day and night. The fact that the moths have showed no similar temporal patterning of the behavior in the laboratory and in the field may be a consequence of the greater susceptibitity of the insect disturbed by the experimental conditions. Even so, these various indices obtained from the tests are valuable for themonitoring, forcasting and controlling of ACB.
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