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Effect of barley and oat flour types and sourdoughs on dough rheology and bread quality of composite wheat bread
Authors:Anne Rieder,Ann Katrin Holtekjø  len Stefan Sahlstrø  m,Anette Moldestad
Affiliation:Nofima Mat, Norwegian Institute of Food Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, Osloveien 1, NO-1430 Aas, Norway
Abstract:The potential of sourdough to improve bread quality of barley and oat enriched wheat breads may depend on the characteristics of the added flour (cereal type, variety, extraction rate). We compared the effect of different barley flours and oat bran (substitution level 40%), unfermented and as sourdoughs (20% of total flour), on composite wheat dough and bread characteristics by combining empirical rheological analyses (DoughLab, SMS/Kieffer Dough and Gluten Extensibility Rig) with small-scale baking of hearth loaves. Whole grain barley flour sourdough increased resistance to extension (Rmax) of the dough and improved the form ratio of hearth loaves compared to unfermented whole grain barley flour. However, sourdough showed little effect on the breads prepared with sifted barley flour or oat bran. The breads made with oat bran showed highest bread volume, lowest crumb firmness and highest β-glucan calcofluor weight average molecular weight (MW). The heat treatment of oat bran inactivated endogenous enzymes resulting in less β-glucan degradation. High MW β-glucans will increase the viscosity of the doughs water phase, which in turn may stabilise gas cells and may therefore be the reason for the higher bread volume of the oat bran breads observed in our study.
Keywords:Barley   Oat   Bread quality   Dough rheology
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