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引用本文:陈静,胡晓辉,苗华荣,石运庆,迟玉成,崔风高,吴兰荣,禹山林. 利用SSR标记分析山东省花生区试品种的遗传多样性特点[J]. 勤云标准版测试, 2008, 0(12)
作者姓名:陈静  胡晓辉  苗华荣  石运庆  迟玉成  崔风高  吴兰荣  禹山林
基金项目:山东省良种工程项目"高产优质出口专用花生新品种培育" , 国家科技支撑计划课题"高产优质特用花生育种技术研究及新品种选育"(2006BAD01A04):山东省科技成果转化资金项目"高产油用型大花生新品种花育25号种子繁育与示范" ?
摘    要:利用SSR标记对山东省花生区试品种进行遗传多样性分析,以参加国家北方区试的17份省外花生品种为对照。结果表明,10对SSR引物在45份花生品种共扩增出57条带,其中45条呈现多态,多态性比率为78.95%。引物的多态性信息含量(PIC)变幅为0.369~0.857,平均值为0.683。多样性指数比较表明,山东省的基因多样性指数H(0.2476)和Shannon指数I(0.3723)均低于河南省(0.2928、0.4241)和省外(0.2929,0.4268)。山东省内品种间的遗传相似系数介于0.440~1.000之间,平均为0.730,省外品种间的遗传相似系数变化范围为0.311~0.962,平均为0.638,显著性测验表明山东省区试品种内的相似性极显著高于省外品种内的相似性。聚类分析表明山东省花生区试品种遗传基础较近,绝大部分品种聚在第II类群;河南省和河北省的部分品种与其他品种亲缘关系较远。与省外区试品种相比,山东省花生区试品种遗传基础较近,应不断引入省外亲缘关系较远的品种以拓宽其遗传基础。

关 键 词:花生  SSR标记  遗传多样性  聚类分析

SSR-based Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. ) Varieties from the Region Tests of Shandong Province
Chen Jing,Hu Xiaohui,Miao Huarong,Shi Yunqing,Chi Yucheng,
Cui Fenggao,Wu Lanrong,Yu Shanlin. SSR-based Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. ) Varieties from the Region Tests of Shandong Province[J]. , 2008, 0(12)
Authors:Chen Jing  Hu Xiaohui  Miao Huarong  Shi Yunqing  Chi Yucheng  
Cui Fenggao
  Wu Lanrong  Yu Shanlin
Abstract:The purpose is to investigate the Genetic diversity of peanut varieties from the Region Tests of Shandong province.45 peanut varieties were analyzed using SSR markers,including of 28 Shandong peanut varieties and 17 peanut varieties from other provinces.Total 57 bands were generated with 10 SSR primers,of which 45(78.95%)were polymorphic.The average polymorphism information content(PIC)was varied from 0.369-0.857,with an average of 0.683.The genetic diversity indices of Shandong peanut varieties(0.2476,0.3723)were all lower than other provinces(0.2929,0.4268)and Henan province(0.2928,0.4241).The value of GS from Shandong peanut varieties ranged from 0.440 to 1.000,on an average of 0.730.The value of GS from other provinces varieties ranged from 0.311 to 0.962,on an average of 0.638.The significant test showed that the similarity of Shandong peanut varieties was higher than others provinces,and the difference was greatly significant at 0.01 level.The results of cluster analysis indicated that,the genetic basis of Shandong peanut varieties tends narrow,and most of varieties from Shandong were clustered into II group.The genetic basis of Shandong peanut varieties tends narrow.It is necessary to broaden its genetic basis by introducing diverse and distant varieties as parents in breeding program from other provinces.
Keywords:peanut  SSR marker  genetic diversity  cluster analysis
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