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引用本文:何仁,牛润新. 车用永磁式缓速器设计中漏磁影响因素分析[J]. 农业机械学报, 2007, 38(8): 44-48
作者姓名:何仁  牛润新
摘    要:以优化设计和减少漏磁为目标,运用磁路分析法建立永磁式缓速器的漏磁场模型,得到设计参数的解析式。由于参数之间的复杂函数关系,采用区间数学算法来优化永磁式缓速器的设计参数,将影响漏磁系数的非线性方程组化简为线性方程组。选取满足设计要求的目标参数——转子鼓磁感应强度Bm、气隙磁感应强度Bg,ave、漏磁系数K的最佳取值区间。使用区间迭代法,求出自变量参数的取值区间和权数pi。运用Matlab语言编程直接搜索合理的设计参数,减少了计算量和循环次数。三维有限元漏磁分析和试验均证明了设计参数选取的合理性。结果表明:永磁体高度HPM、气隙ge对漏磁系数K影响较大;区间数学Tschernikow算法在永磁式缓速器设计中是有效的。

关 键 词:永磁式缓速器  漏磁  影响因素  区间数学  Tschernikow算法

Influencing Factors Analysis of Flux Leakage in Permanent Magnet Retarder Design
He Ren,Niu Runxin. Influencing Factors Analysis of Flux Leakage in Permanent Magnet Retarder Design[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2007, 38(8): 44-48
Authors:He Ren  Niu Runxin
Affiliation:Jiangsu University
Abstract:The research work is aiming at optimization design and decreasing flux leakage. Using magnetic methods, flux leakage model was established on the model of permanent magnet retarder, which deduced equations on design parameters. Considering the complex function relationships among flux leakage factors, interval mathematics was used to optimize design for permanent magnet retarder. Based on Tschernikow algorithm, nonlinear equations of magnetic flux leakage were simplified into linear equations. In according with design, value intervals were selected, which were rotor flux densities Bm, air gap flux densities Bg,ave and flux leakage coefficient K. With interval iterative methods, intervals and proportions Pi on parameters were obtained. Design parameters were searched with Matlab, which reduces amount of calculation and cycle index. 3-D finite element model on flux leakage and test showed the rationality of design parameters and interval mathematics. The results showed that permanent magnet high HPM and air gap ge influence magnetic flux leakage coefficient K, and the validity of Tschernikow algorithm.
Keywords:Permanent magnet retarder   Flux leakage   Influencing factors   Interval mathematics   Tschernikow algorithm
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