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引用本文:冯璐,吴转娣,张跃彬,罗庭碧,彭秋连. 甘蔗转基因的研究进展[J]. 中国农学通报, 2016, 32(33): 130-137. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb16040085
作者姓名:冯璐  吴转娣  张跃彬  罗庭碧  彭秋连
基金项目::国家甘蔗产业技术体系(CARS-20-3-4);云南省重大科技专项计划项目“蔗糖产业提质增效关键技术研究及产业化应用——甘蔗轻简高效 生产技术研究及应用”(2015ZA004);云南省应用基础研究计划项目“甘蔗独脚金内酯生物合成关键基因ScD27 的功能鉴定”(2016FB071)。
摘    要:甘蔗作为重要的糖料作物和遗传转化高安全级别的经济作物,其遗传转化的研究一直倍受重视。目前应用于甘蔗中的转基因技术主要是基因枪介导法和农杆菌介导法。近年来甘蔗的转基因研究主要以新型抗病虫、抗寒、抗旱和高糖以及作为生物反应器生产高附加值产品为主,同时在转基因生物的检测研究中也取得了较大的进展。但是甘蔗的转基因还是受到一些因素的限制,转化效率低、基因表达效率不高、转基因安全性研究少以及可能存在的法律和社会问题等。建立多个甘蔗主栽品种高效、快速、稳定的遗传转化体系,研究安全型系统,开展大片段基因、多基因转化,实现基因的时空控制表达等将是甘蔗转基因技术的新的发展趋势。

关 键 词:稻田土壤  稻田土壤  抑草活性  筛选  真菌  

Research Progress of Transgenic Sugarcane
Abstract:Sugarcane is one of the most important sugar crops and a high security level economic crop of genetic transformation, the study on sugarcane genetic transformation has drawn widespread attention. Presently, Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and microparticle bombardment are the two most widely used methods for sugarcane genetic transformation. In recent years, sugarcane transgenic researches mainly focused on the new type genes with resistance to disease, insect, cold and drought, which could achieve high sugar content and act as a bioreactor to produce high value- added products, meanwhile the detection technologies of genetically modified organisms were improved. But GM sugarcanes were still conditioned by some factors, such as low transformed efficiency and low gene expression efficiency, lack of geneticallyengineered safety study, and potential legal and social issues, etc. Further studies in this field should focus on the use of commercial sugarcane varieties, improvement of transformation efficiency, development of safety transformation system, integration of foreign genes at specific site, introduction of multiple target genes, and control of the spatial and temporal expression of genes.
Keywords:sugarcane   transgenic   resistance evolution   stress resistance   transgenic detection
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