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引用本文:李昕鹏,巴桑珠扎,孔小艳,黄畅,旦增洛桑,赵丽,次仁罗布,白玛坚才,扎西罗布,索朗曲吉. 影响西藏杂交改良牛泌乳性能因素的分析与建议[J]. 中国牛业科学, 2022, 48(6): 91-93
作者姓名:李昕鹏  巴桑珠扎  孔小艳  黄畅  旦增洛桑  赵丽  次仁罗布  白玛坚才  扎西罗布  索朗曲吉
摘    要:西藏牛常年生活在青藏高原,是产乳为主,乳肉兼用的地方品种,对高寒低氧的特殊环境有着极强的适应能力,其泌乳性能满足部分藏民对乳制品的需要。随着藏民生活水平的提高和入藏旅游人数的增加,藏区对乳制品的需求也越来越大,但西藏牛本身泌乳性能低的缺点制约了西藏奶业的快速发展。通过杂交改良提高西藏牛泌乳性能的方法在藏区从开始至今已有60余年,但其后代对高原适应能力会随着杂交代数的推进减弱,从而对其泌乳量造成影响,所以杂交改良的方法还需进一步的深入研究。本文以目前影响西藏牛泌乳性能的因素展开讨论和分析,剖析其存在的问题,以期为西藏牛杂交改良和高原引种提供一定的思路。

关 键 词:西藏牛;泌乳性能;杂交改良;问题;建议

Analysis and suggestions on factors affecting lactation performance of Tibetan crossbred cattle
lixinpeng,bangsangzhuzh,kongxiaoyan,huangchang,danzengluosang,zhaoli,cirenluobu,baimajiancai,zhaxiluobu and suolangquji. Analysis and suggestions on factors affecting lactation performance of Tibetan crossbred cattle[J]. China Cattle Science, 2022, 48(6): 91-93
Authors:lixinpeng  bangsangzhuzh  kongxiaoyan  huangchang  danzengluosang  zhaoli  cirenluobu  baimajiancai  zhaxiluobu  suolangquji
Abstract:Tibetan cattle often live in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. They are local varieties that mainly produce milk and both milk and meat. They have a strong adaptability to the special environment of high cold and hypoxia, and their lactation performance meets the needs of some Tibetans for dairy products. With the improvement of the living standards of Tibetans and the increase of the number of tourists to Tibet, the demand for dairy products in Tibetan areas is also increasing, but the shortcomings of low lactation performance of Tibetan cattle restrict the rapid development of Tibetan dairy industry. The method of improving the lactation performance of Tibetan cattle through hybridization has been in Tibet for more than 60 years, but the adaptability of their offspring to plateau will weaken with the advancement of hybridization algebra, which will affect their lactation. Therefore, the method of hybridization improvement needs further in-depth study. In this paper, the factors that affect the lactation performance of Tibetan cattle are discussed and analyzed, and the existing problems are analyzed, in order to provide some ideas for the hybrid improvement and plateau introduction of Tibetan cattle.
Keywords:Tibetan cattle   Lactation performance   Cross improvement   Problems   proposal
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