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引用本文:陈海风,章 超,花日茂,巫厚长. 生境和施肥对棉田节肢动物群落结构的影响[J]. 中国生态农业学报, 2013, 21(9): 1127-1134
作者姓名:陈海风  章 超  花日茂  巫厚长
作者单位:安徽农业大学资源与环境学院 合肥 230036;安徽省和县农业技术推广中心 和县 238200;安徽农业大学资源与环境学院 合肥 230036;安徽农业大学资源与环境学院 合肥 230036
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAD12B04, 2007BAD87B06)和安徽高校省级自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2010A109)资助
摘    要:采用不同的生境和施肥组合方法,研究生境复杂性和施肥对棉田节肢动物群落结构的影响,以期为棉田害虫生态防治提供理论依据。生境复杂性设棉田未覆盖稻草(A1)与覆盖稻草(A2)2种方式,施肥设复合肥90 kg(N).hm 2(B1)、复合肥90 kg(N).hm 2添加沼肥90 kg(N).hm 2(B2)、复合肥90 kg(N).hm 2添加尿素90 kg(N).hm 2(B3)3种方式。每个小区采取平行线跳跃法抽取10株棉花,每周一次调查每株棉花上和植株周围0.25 m2地表部分所有节肢动物种类数量和个体数量。结果表明,蜘蛛类(Araneae)个体数[A2(391.1±70.1)头.10株1,A1(226.8±29.3)头.10株1]、优势种天敌星豹蛛(Pardosa astrigera)个体数[A2(171.7±13.3)头.10株1,A1(59.3±9.8)头.10株1]、蜘蛛类优势集中性(A20.527±0.089,A10.258±0.049)、害虫类多样性(A21.459±0.067,A11.245±0.249)覆草生境极显著高于未覆草生境。害虫类均匀度(A20.635±0.040,A10.588±0.100)覆草生境显著高于未覆草生境。害虫类个体数[A2(772.4±206.9)头.10株1,A1(1 156.4±243.7)头.10株1]]、目标害虫棉大卷叶螟(Syleptahn derogate)个体数[A2(320.8±80.6)头.10株1,A1(659.5±254.8)头.10株1]、害虫类优势集中性(A20.311±0.029,A10.400±0.107)、蜘蛛类多样性(A20.997±0.169,A11.584±0.138)、蜘蛛类均匀度(A20.536±0.073,A10.803±0.052)覆草生境极显著低于未覆草生境。施肥方式极显著影响了害虫类个体数[B1(1 015.3±344.1)头.10株1,B2(714.0±152.2)头.10株1,B3(1 164.0±168.9)头.10株1]、棉大卷叶螟个体数[B1(552.0±253.8)头.10株1,B2(280.6±63.7)头.10株1,B3(638.0±256.0)头.10株1]、害虫类优势集中性(B10.370±0.055,B20.282±0.022,B30.414±0.111)、害虫类多样性(B11.324±0.228,B21.511±0.066,B31.222±0.200)、蜘蛛类多样性(B11.167±0.374,B21.418±0.373,B31.286±0.262)、害虫类均匀度(B10.600±0.039,B20.683±0.043,B30.550±0.081);显著影响了蜘蛛类优势集中性(B10.457±0.175,B20.353±0.167,B30.368±0.123)、蜘蛛类均匀度(B10.613±0.160,B20.701±0.130,B30.695±0.168)、捕食性昆虫类多样性(B11.190±0.153,B21.496±0.179,B31.474±0.125)。生境与施肥对害虫类个体数、棉大卷叶螟数个体数、害虫类优势集中性、害虫类多样性、害虫类均匀度的交互作用极显著,生境与施肥对蜘蛛物种数的交互作用显著。棉田覆草改善优势种天敌星豹蛛的生存环境,显著提高对棉大卷叶螟的控制效果;复合肥添加沼肥不利于棉大卷叶螟种群数量的增长。

关 键 词:棉田  节肢动物群落  生境  施肥  稻草覆盖  沼肥  复合肥  尿素

Effects of habitat complexity and fertilization on arthropod community structure in cotton field
CHEN Hai-Feng,ZHANG Chao,HUA Ri-Mao and WU Hou-Zhang. Effects of habitat complexity and fertilization on arthropod community structure in cotton field[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2013, 21(9): 1127-1134
Authors:CHEN Hai-Feng  ZHANG Chao  HUA Ri-Mao  WU Hou-Zhang
Affiliation:College of Resources and Environment, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China;He County Agricultural Technology Promotion Center, He County 238200, China;College of Resources and Environment, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China;College of Resources and Environment, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China
Abstract:The effects of habitat complexity and fertilization mode on arthropod community structure in cotton fields were investigated to guide ecological control of insect pests. The study included treatments of different combinations of habitat and fertilization. In the experiment, no straw mulch (A1) and straw mulch (A2) were designed as simple- and complex-structure habitats, respectively. Compound fertilizer 90 kg(N)·hm-2 (B1), compound fertilizer 90 kg(N)·hm-2 with biogas fertilizer 90 kg(N)·hm-2 (B2) and compound fertilizer 90 kg(N)·hm-2 with urea 90 kg(N)·hm-2 (B3) were designed as fertilization modes. Ten cotton plants were sampled in each plot in the parallel jumping method. The species and individual number of arthropods in each plant and the 0.25 m2 land surface beneath the plant were counted and recorded on a weekly basis. The results showed that the individual number of spiders (counted as individuals for every 10 plants) was higher in A2 (391.1±70.1) than in A1 (226.8±29.3). Also the dominant enemy species Pardosa astrigera (also counted as individuals for every 10 plants) was higher in A2 (171.7±13.3) than in A1 (59.3±9.8). Then the dominant index for spiders was higher in A2 (0.527±0.089) than in A1 (0.258±0.049). The diversity index of insect pests was higher in A2 (1.459±0.067) than in A1 (1.245±0.249). The evenness index of insect pests was also higher in A2 (0.635±0.040) than in A1 (0.588±0.100). The individual number of insect pests was significantly higher in A2 (772.4±206.9) than in A1 (1 156.4±243.7). Based on the number of individuals per 10 plants, the target insect pest Syleptahn derogata number in A2 and A1 were respectively 320.8±80.6 and 659.5±254.8. The dominant insect pest index in A2 was 0.311±0.029 while that in A1 was 0.400±0.107. Also the diversity index of spiders in A2 was 0.997±0.169 while it was 1.584±0.138 in A1. The evenness indexes of spiders in A2 and A1 were 0.536±0.073 and 0.803±0.052, respectively. Also based on individual number per 10 plants, the insect pests numbers in B1, B2 and B3 were respectively 1 015.3±344.1, 714.0±152.2 and 1 164.0±168.9. Those of the target insect pest S. derogata in B1, B2 and B3 were respectively 552.0±253.8, 280.6±63.7 and 638.0±256.0. The indexes of the dominant insect pests were 0.370±0.055 in B1, 0.282±0.022 in B2 and 0.414±0.111 in B3. Then the diversity indexes of the insect pests in B1, B2 and B3 were respectively 1.324±0.228, 1.511±0.066 and 1.222±0.200. Also the diversity indexes of spiders in B1, B2 and B3 were respectively 1.167±0.374, 1.418±0.373 and 1.286±0.262. Then the evenness indexes of the insect pests were 0.600±0.039 in B1, 0.683±0.043 in B2 and 0.550±0.081 in B3. The indexes of the dominant spiders in B1, B2 and B3 were 0.457±0.175, 0.353±0.167 and 0.368±0.123, respectively. The corresponding evenness indexes of the spiders were 0.613±0.160, 0.701±0.130 and 0.695±0.168, respectively. Then the diversity indexes of predatory insects in B1, B2 and B3 were 1.190±0.153, 1.496±0.179 and 1.474±0.125, respectively. The individual numbers of insect pests, the target insect pest S. derogate, the indexes of the dominant insect pests, the diversity indexes of insect pests, and the evenness indexes of the insect pests were significantly influenced by the interaction between habitat complexity and fertilization mode. The species number of spiders was also significantly influenced by the interaction between habitat complexity and fertilization mode. Habitats of the dominant species enemy P. astrigera improved under straw mulching in cotton fields. This significantly enhanced the ability of P. astrigera to control S. derogate. Population growth of S. derogate did not enhanced by compound and biogas fertilizers.
Keywords:Cotton field   Arthropod community   Habitat   Fertilization   Straw mulch   Biogas fertilizer   Compound fertilizer   Urea
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