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引用本文:郝俊杰,刘焕民,马奇祥,崔小伟,于霁雯,贾新合,高俊山. 棉花叶片早衰的诊断及遗传效应分析[J]. 作物学报, 2011, 37(3): 389-396. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2011.00389
作者姓名:郝俊杰  刘焕民  马奇祥  崔小伟  于霁雯  贾新合  高俊山
作者单位:1 河南省农业科学院植物保护研究所 / 河南省农作物病虫害防治重点实验室, 河南郑州 450002;2 中国农业科学院棉花研究所, 河南安阳455000;3 郑州市农林科学研究所, 河南郑州 450005;4 开封市农林科学研究院, 河南开封 475004
摘    要:比较了利用活体叶片快速、无损害诊断棉花叶片早衰的SPAD差值法和绿色叶面积分级诊断方法,并分析了棉花叶片早衰的数量遗传行为。选用不同叶形和早衰类型的9个棉花品种(系),比较开花当天倒4叶及以后每5 d一次的SPAD值表明, 早衰棉花品种在开花35 d后SPAD值明显降低,因此,将开花后35 d和开花当天倒4叶的SPAD的差值作为诊断棉花叶片早衰的指标。构建持绿亲本33B和早衰亲本CJ463的6个世代(P1、F1、P2、F2、BC1和BC2),用联合尺度检验法对其叶片早衰的数据进行世代均值分析,结果表明棉花叶片早衰主要受加性遗传效应控制,至少是一对加性效应的主基因控制陆地棉叶片早衰遗传,且遗传力较高,说明对持绿材料的早代选择是有效的。总之,用SPAD差值和绿色叶面积分级两种诊断叶片早衰的方法来分析叶片早衰遗传及其与叶面积关系的结果基本一致。

关 键 词:棉花  SPAD值  叶片早衰  遗传效应

Genetic Effects and Diagnosis of Premature Senescence of Leaf in Upland Cotton
HAO Jun-Jie,LIU Huan-Min,MA Qi-Xiang,CUI Xiao-Wei,YU Ji-Wen,JIA Xin-He,GAO Jun-Shan. Genetic Effects and Diagnosis of Premature Senescence of Leaf in Upland Cotton[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2011, 37(3): 389-396. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2011.00389
Authors:HAO Jun-Jie  LIU Huan-Min  MA Qi-Xiang  CUI Xiao-Wei  YU Ji-Wen  JIA Xin-He  GAO Jun-Shan
Affiliation:1.Plant Protection Institute, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Henan Key Laboratory for Control of Crop Diseases and Insect Pests, Zhengzhou 450002, China;2.China Cotton Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Anyang 455000, China;3.Zhengzhou Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, China;4.Kaifeng Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Kaifeng 475004, China
Abstract:Premature senescence of cotton has been occurring on an increasing scale in China,directly influencing both yield and fiber quality.The most effective way avoiding premature senescence is to obtain stay-green variety in breeding programs.Moreover,plant breeders demand a simple and efficient diagnosis method,and farther understand the genetic basis of premature senescence in cotton.The objective of this paper was to discuss the quick measurement harmless to plant,and to analyze the genetic effects for leaf p...
Keywords:Cotton  SPAD reading  Leaf premature senescence  Genetic effects  
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