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Survival of sclerotia of Macrophomina phaseolina and Sclerotium cepivorum after drying and wetting treatments
Authors:G.C. Papavizas
Affiliation:Soilborne Diseases Laboratory, Plant Protection Institute, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD 20705, U.S.A.
Abstract:Exposure of sclerotia of Macrophomina phaseolina to 0 and 33% relative humidity (r.h.) for 12 weeks and of Sclerotium cepivorum to 0, 33 and 55% r.h. for 20 weeks did not reduce their germinability on agar. Exposure to 78% r.h. caused high loss of germinability in M. phaseolina and complete loss in S. cepivorum. After 7-day exposures respective moisture contents of sclerotia of M. phaseolina and S. cepivorum were 1 and 2% at 0% r.h.; and 10 and 14% at 78% r.h. M. phaseolina sclerotia held at 0% and 33% r.h. in desiccators for several times up to 12 days did not decrease in subsequent survivability in moist soil, unlike sclerotia held at 78% r.h. for 4 days.More sclerotia of M. phaseolina were colonized by fungi and Streptomyces spp. on alkaline soil than on acid soil. On alkaline soil twice as many sclerotia were colonized after exposure to 0% r.h. as after exposure to 33, 55 and 78% r.h. Colonization of S. cepivorum sclerotia was as high on acid as on alkaline soil and 3 times as high on sclerotia treated at 0% r.h. as on those treated at higher r.h. Attempts to ascertain the effects of colonization on sclerotial viability were unsuccessful. Incubation of sclerotia of M. phaseolina in moist Rumsford sandy loam (50% m.h.c.) for 20 weeks reduced survivability by 43%. At room temperature, alternate drying and wetting of soil containing sclerotia did not appreciably affect survivability of either pathogen. Survivability of S. cepivorum sclerotia was highest when the sclerotia were incubated in air-dried soil (2–3% m.h.c.) for 20 weeks.Incidence of white rot on onion seedlings transplanted to S. cepivorum-infested soil was higher in soil that had been air-dried for 20 weeks than in soil that had been alternately wetted and dried. Sclerotia that were exposed to 0% r.h. for 7 days before soil incubation produced little white rot.
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