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引用本文:刘猛. 中国谷子生产的要素变化与机械化水平分析及发展方向[J]. 中国农学通报, 2018, 34(10): 153-158. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb18010086
基金项目:农业部/财政部“现代农业产业技术体系专项”(CARS-06-13.5-A33);农业部“现代农业产业技术体系与新型经营主体对接模式探索”;2016 年度河北省社会科学发展研究课题“河北省谷子适度规模经营与对策研究”(201604020201);国家支撑计划课题“小型自走式谷子联合收获机研发” (2016YFD0701803-01)。
摘    要:为明确中国谷子生产发展的要素变化以及生产机械化水平的现状,促进中国谷子生产效益提升,从跟踪国家谷子糜子产业技术体系信息点和调查中国谷子生产情况2 个方面,统计信息平台和谷子生产的数据,采用Excel 统计软件进行数据处理,分析中国谷子生产的要素变化和机械化水平。结果显示物质投入呈现缓慢增加的趋势,人工投入降低,且降幅较大,谷子生产总投入逐渐降低;机械类型多样且机械化水平逐渐提高。最后提出谷子生产向有机、功能农业和轻简高效生产技术集成模式的方向发展。

关 键 词:水稻  水稻  芽期  耐盐性  

Elements Change and Mechanization Level of Foxtail Millet Production
Abstract:To clarify elements change and mechanization level of foxtail millet production in China, and promote the production efficiency, based on tracking the information points of the national foxtail millet industry technology system, and investigating the production of foxtail millet, the authors collected information platform data, used Excel statistical software for data processing, and analyzed elements change and mechanization level of China’s foxtail millet production. The results showed that the material input presented a slow increasing trend, the labor input decreased significantly, and the total input of foxtail millet production decreased gradually; the mechanical type was diversified and the mechanization level was improved step by step. Finally, the authors point out that the foxtail millet production development is heading to organic andfunctional agriculture with an integrated mode of simple and efficient production technology.
Keywords:Foxtail Millet  Production Element  Mechanization  Development Direction
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