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引用本文:郭迎新,陈永亮,苗琪,范志勇,孙军伟,崔振岭,李军营. 洱海流域植烟土壤养分时空变异特征及肥力评价[J]. 中国农业科学, 2022, 55(10): 1987-1999. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.10.009
作者姓名:郭迎新  陈永亮  苗琪  范志勇  孙军伟  崔振岭  李军营
摘    要:【目的】通过研究洱海流域植烟土壤养分时空变异特征,实现对该区域植烟土壤肥力分级评价及其空间可视化的目标,进而为洱海流域烟田养分分区管理、平衡施肥、农业面源污染防控等提供科学依据。【方法】以2011—2013年、2018年和2020年洱海流域植烟区964个土壤样品为研究对象,采用地统计学和地理信息系统(Geographic Information Systems,GIS)技术探究养分的时空变异特征和区域分布格局,并采用Fuzzy综合评价法对植烟区土壤肥力进行定量评价。【结果】2011—2020年洱海流域植烟土壤pH、有机质、全氮、有效磷和速效钾的均值为7.3、59.6 g·kg-1、3.5 g·kg-1、54.4 mg·kg-1、192.0 mg·kg-1,均表现为中等变异。植烟土壤有机质、全氮、有效磷和速效钾含量丰富,丰缺等级处于中上等级及以上的区域面积占比分别为85.2%、93.8%、94.5%及78.8%,存在明显的区域变异性。植烟土壤肥力处于I—V级的区域面积占比分别为8.4%、25.0%、40.3%、23.3%、3.0%。洱海流域植烟土壤整体偏碱性,pH值呈现出洱海北部高于南部的现状;有机质和全氮含量高值区主要分布于洱海北部和西部;有效磷含量高值区以斑块状分布在洱海北部、东部和西部;速效钾含量高值区呈片状分布在洱海北部和东部。【结论】洱海流域植烟土壤整体肥力较高,III级及以上高肥力区主要分布在洱海北部和东部。同时,洱海北部和西部植烟土壤氮磷元素含量丰富,区域内存在农业面源污染风险。

关 键 词:烟田  土壤养分  时空变异  土壤肥力评价  洱海流域  

Spatial-Temporal Variability of Soil Nutrients and Assessment of Soil Fertility in Erhai Lake Basin
GUO YingXin,CHEN YongLiang,MIAO Qi,FAN ZhiYong,SUN JunWei,CUI ZhenLing,LI JunYing. Spatial-Temporal Variability of Soil Nutrients and Assessment of Soil Fertility in Erhai Lake Basin[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2022, 55(10): 1987-1999. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2022.10.009
Authors:GUO YingXin  CHEN YongLiang  MIAO Qi  FAN ZhiYong  SUN JunWei  CUI ZhenLing  LI JunYing
Affiliation:1College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 1001932Yunnan Academy of Tobacco Agriculture Science, Yuxi 653100, Yunnan3Yunan Dali Tobacco Company, Dali 671000, Yunan
Abstract:【Objective】By studying the spatial-temporal variation characteristics of tobacco-planting soil nutrients in Erhai Lake Basin (ELB), the objective of grading evaluation and spatial visualization of tobacco-planting soil fertility in this region was achieved, so as to provide a scientific basis for the nutrient management, balanced fertilization, and the control of agricultural non-point source pollution of tobacco-planting areas in ELB.【Method】Based on the 964 tobacco-planting soil samples in ELB collected in 2011-2013, 2018 and 2020, this study explored the spatial-temporal variability of nutrients and regional distribution patterns by using Geostatistics, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, and Fuzzy integrated fertility index method to quantify the soil fertility in tobacco-planting areas. 【Result】The average values of soil pH, soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), Olsen-P (AP) and available potassium (AK) of tobacco-planting soil in ELB were 7.3, 59.6 g·kg-1, 3.5 g·kg-1, 54.4 mg·kg-1, and 192.0 mg·kg-1, respectively, all of which belonging to moderate variation. Tobacco-planting soil was rich in SOM, TN, AP and AK, and the proportions of areas within the upper-middle level accounted for 85.2%, 93.8%, 94.5% and 78.8%, respectively, showing obvious variation at regional scale. The area of tobacco-planting soil fertility were graded to five levels (from high to low: I to V), which accounted for 8.4%, 25.0%, 40.3%, 23.3% and 3.0%, respectively. The pH of tobacco-planting soil was relatively alkaline in ELB, which was higher in the northern than in the southern; the highest concentrations of SOM and TN occurred in the northern and the western region; the areas with high AP concentration were distributed in patches in the northern, eastern and western region of Erhai Lake; the areas with high AK concentration were distributed in flakes in the northern and eastern of Erhai Lake. 【Conclusion】Collectively, the fertility of the tobacco-growing soil in ELB was in high level, and the high-quality soil areas above grade III were mainly distributed in the northern and eastern region. Meanwhile, the tobacco-planting soil in the northern and western Erhai Lake were rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, and there was a risk of agricultural non-point source pollution in the region.
Keywords:tobacco field  soil nutrient  spatial-temporal variability  assessment of soil fertility  Erhai Lake Basin  
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