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Authors:M. J. T. Norman   J. O. Green
Affiliation:The Grassland Research Institute, Hurley, Berkshire
Abstract:An experiment, A, involving dates and methods of application of 2,4-D (amine) as a preliminary treatment in the renovation of a poor downland permanent pasture, followed by surface cultivations and sowing of S.24 perennial ryegrass and S.100 white clover, was carried out at Hurley between 1953 and 1955.
In spite of initial differences in the establishment of S.24 and S.100, pre-treatment with herbicide had no effect upon the cover of sown and unsown perennial ryegrass and white clover two years later. At this date, perennial ryegrass contributed one-quarter and one-eighth, and white clover one-third and one-quarter, to the total cover of renovated and unrenovated plots respectively.
The increase in dry-matter yield resulting from renovation was approximately 10 per cent. This was considered small in relation to the estimated improvement in yield brought about by grazing management and manuring in the course of the trial.
In experiment B, plots receiving herbicide were given differential management and manurial treatments after spraying in an attempt to control the ingress of undesirable creeping grasses. The results indicated that this ingress could be checked by close grazing soon after spraying.
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