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Pflanzenaufnahme und Extrahierbarkeit von lithogen,pedogen und anthropogen angereichertem Cadmium in einem Parabraunerde-Ap-Horizont aus Löß
Authors:Marek Filipinski  Herbert Kuntze
Abstract:Plant uptake and solubility of lithogeneous, pedogeneous and anthropogeneous cadmium of an Ap-horizon from Orthic Luvisol In a pot trial we investigated the cadmium uptake by ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and spinach (Spinacea oleracea) in soil material of an Ap-horizon from Orthic Luvisol consisting of loess contaminated with Cd lithogeneously (stone powder), pedogeneously (soil from Ah- and Bv-horizon) and anthropogeneously (CdO) respectively. The concentration of Cd in the pots was adjusted to 1.5. 3 and 6 mg/kg soil. The total Cd-charge in the soil being at the same level, the tested plants (ryegrass and spinach) took up at least two times more of Cd of anthropogeneous origin (CdO) than of the Cd of geogeneous (pedogeneous and lithogeneous) origins. A remarkably higher solubility of the anthropogeneous cadmium was noticed compared with Cd of geogeneous origin. The DTPA-solution showed these differences most clearly. The relative soluble part of the anthropogeneous Cd was more than 60% of the total content, whereas it was lower by the factor of 2 to 3 in the geogeneously enriched cadmium. In the 0, 1 M CaCl2- and the acid (O.I M HCI + 0.125 M H2SO4)-extraction these differences were not as obvious. The DTPA soluble cadmium fraction and the Cd taken up by the plants tested showed the closest correlations.
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