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平邑甜茶根系 NO 和活性氧对钠与氯离子胁迫的反应
引用本文:张玮玮,杨洪强,苏倩,门秀巾,闫丽娟. 平邑甜茶根系 NO 和活性氧对钠与氯离子胁迫的反应[J]. 园艺学报, 2013, 40(12): 2365-2372
作者姓名:张玮玮  杨洪强  苏倩  门秀巾  闫丽娟
摘    要: 以平邑甜茶(Malus hupehensis)实生苗为试材,在水培条件下研究了氯化钠(NaCl)、钠离子(Na+)和氯离子(Cl-)对根系一氧化氮(NO)和活性氧(ROS)生成速率以及膜脂过氧化的影响。结果表明:在相同浓度等渗透势NaCl、Na+和Cl-盐溶液处理下,平邑甜茶根系NO 和超氧阴离子产生速率以及丙二醛(MDA)和过氧化氢(H2O2)含量均升高,升高数值由大到小均为NaCl>Cl- >Na+处理,并且NaCl 处理下的所测各指标的数值均小于Na+和Cl-单独处理下两者的加和,显示在NaCl 胁迫诱导平邑甜茶根系积累ROS 和NO 进而引起氧化伤害的过程中,Cl-的作用大于Na+,NaCl 引起的胁迫效应并不是Na+和Cl-胁迫效应的简单叠加。

关 键 词:平邑甜茶  根系  一氧化氮  活性氧  氯离子  钠离子

Response of Nitric Oxide and Active Oxygen of Malus hupehensis Roots to Sodium and Chloride Ion Stress
ZHANG Wei-Wei,YANG Hong-Qiang,SU Qian,MEN Xiu-Jin,YAN Li-Juan. Response of Nitric Oxide and Active Oxygen of Malus hupehensis Roots to Sodium and Chloride Ion Stress[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2013, 40(12): 2365-2372
Authors:ZHANG Wei-Wei  YANG Hong-Qiang  SU Qian  MEN Xiu-Jin  YAN Li-Juan
Affiliation:College of Horticulture Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology,Tai’an,Shandong 271018,China
Abstract:The effect of sodium chloride(NaCl),sodium ion(Na+)and chloride ion(Cl-)solutionon the production of nitric oxide(NO)and active oxygen(ROS)and the membrane lipid peroxidation ofMalus hupehensis seedling roots was investigated by water culture. The results showed that,the productionrates of NO and superoxide anions,as well as the accumulation of malondiadehyde(MDA)andhydrogen peroxide(H2O2),were all increased under iso-osmotic NaCl,Na+ and Cl- salt solutions of thesame concentration,and the increasing extent was in the following order:NaCl >Cl->Na+. In addition,the increasing content caused by NaCl stress was lower than the sum of that caused by Na+ and Cl- stress. Itwas demonstrated that Cl- took more important part in the induction of oxidation damage under NaCl stress,and stress response caused by NaCl treatment were not simple stack of those caused by Na+ and Cl- stressindividually.
Keywords:Malus hupehensis Malus hupehensis  roots  nitric oxide  active oxygen  chloride ion  sodium ion
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