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引用本文:张心田,张立教,杨庆章. 猪甲状腺形状的观察[J]. 东北农业大学学报, 1984, 0(1)
作者姓名:张心田  张立教  杨庆章
摘    要:观测四个品种212头猪的甲状腺形状,发现猪甲状腺的形状和文献上的描述很不一致.主要结果如下:1.猪甲状腺在个体间有很大差异,但未见有品种间差异;2.无突起的腺占总数的72.17%,有突起的腺占27.83%;3.无突起的腺有二型(Ⅰ及Ⅱ).Ⅰ型腺呈两端尖的小舟状,侧叶与峡愈合为一整体.Ⅱ型腺可分清峡部与侧叶.Ⅱ型腺正是国外文献所一直描述的,并且认为是猪甲状腺的普遍形状;4.有突起的腺有11个类型(Ⅲ-XⅢ).其中除Ⅲ型外皆无文献记载.Ⅲ型腺的特点是有一锥状突(processus pyramidalis),从腺的颅侧正中端伸向前方.Ⅳ型腺的特点是有一尾侧锥状突(processus pyramidalis caudalis).V型腺的特点是有一伸向颅侧的锥状突(processus pyramidalis)和一向尾侧的尾侧锥状突(processus pyramidalis caudalis).Ⅵ型腺的特点是有一对伸向侧前方的侧锥状突(processi pyramidalis laterales).Ⅶ型腺的特点是有一左锥状突(Processus pyramidalis sinister).Ⅷ型腺的特点是有一右锥状突(processus pyramidalis dexter).Ⅸ型腺的特点是有一锥状突和一对侧锥状突.X型腺的特点是有一对侧锥状突和一尾侧锥状突.Ⅺ型腺的特点是有一左锥状突和一尾侧锥状突.Ⅻ型腺的特点是有一右锥状突和一尾侧锥状突.XⅢ型腺的特点是,腺的后半部分杈,并从右支伸出一右尾侧锥状突.上述腺的类型和突的名称除processus pyramidalis来自Ellenberger(1943)之外,其余都是笔者命名的.

Abstract:The form of the thyroid gland in 212 pigs of four breeds was observed. It was found that the form of the thyroid gland in these pigs observed was significantly different from those described in literatures. The essential results were shown as follows: 1. There was no difference in the form of the thyroid gland between breeds, however, thyroid gland of various forms occured notably in individuals. 2. The glands without processus accounted for 72.17% of the total pigs examined, and those possessed processus made up 27.83%. 3. The glands without processus fell into two types (Ⅰ and Ⅱ). The type I was nearly like a boat with pointed ends in outline. The lobes were completely fused with isthmus,so that the gland became into a body as a whole. The type Ⅱ was clearly distinguished in to a pair lateral lobes and a medial isthmus. This type had long been describted and considered as an universal form at all literatures.4. The gland possessed processus fell into 11 types (Ⅲ-ⅫⅠ). In addition to type Ⅲ which had been desribted, the others had not yet been demonstrated in literatures. The type Ⅲ characterized by processus pyramidalis extending forward, arising from cranial median tip of the gland. The type Ⅳ characterized by a processus pyramidalis caudalis. The type Ⅴ characterized by both processus pyramidalis and processus pyramidalis caudalis arising from two tips respectively. The type V1 characterized by a paired processi pyramidalis laterales extending craniolaterally from its craniolateral parts. The type Ⅶ characterized by a processus pyramidalis sinister. The type Ⅷ characterized by a processus pyramidalis dexter. The type Ⅸ characterized by a processus pyramidalis and a paired processi pyramidalis laterales arising from craniomedian tip and two craniolateral parts respectively. The type Ⅹ characterized by a paired processi pyramidalis laterales and a processus pyramidalis caudalis. The type Ⅺ characterized by both processus pyramidalis dexter and processus pyamidalis caudalis. The type Ⅻ characterized by a processus pyramidalis sinister and a processus pyramidalis caudalis. The type ⅫⅠcharacterized by a V-shaped bifurcation of its posterior haft, the end of the left branch with a processus pyramidalis caudalis. The terms about all their types and their processi mentioned above, except processus pyramidalis had been given by Ellenberger(1943), the other terms were given by author.
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