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A Comparison of Element Fluxes in Throughfall beneath Larch and Sitka Spruce at Two Contrasting Sites in the United Kingdom
Authors:REYNOLDS, B.   CAPE, J. N.   PATERSON, I. S.
Affiliation:1Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Bangor Research Station Penrhos Road, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2LQ Wales
2Institute of Terrestrial Ecology Bush Estate, Penicuik, Midlothian, EH26 0GB Scotland
3Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Banchory Research Station Hill of Brathens, Glassel, Banchory, Kincardineshire, AB3 4BY Scotland
Abstract:Annual chemical fluxes for ten elements beneath larch and Sitkaspruce are presented for contrasting sites in N.E. Scotlandand mid-Wales. The Scottish site is relatively low altitudewith moderate rainfall and the Welsh site is relatively highaltitude with high rainfall; both sites have low air concentrationsof SO2 and NO2 The data show clear differences in throughfallelement fluxes between larch and Sitka spruce of similar ageand, for the same species, between the two sites. For sea-derivedions and Ca, the trees appear to respond differently to thecontrasting climatic and depositional environments at the twosites; this overrides any consistent differences between speciesfor these elements. Species related differences, consistentat both sites, are apparent for H ion, SO4 and the major nutrients.Larch releases more K and P but retains more inorganic N thanSitka spruce. Beneath larch, the H ion flux is approximatelythree times and the SO4 flux 1.5 times that beneath Sitka spruce,indicating that larch is more acidifying than spruce.
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