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Identification of Maintainer Genes in Brassica napus L. for the Male-Sterility-Inducing Cytoplasm of Diplotaxis muralis L.
Authors:R. Pellan-Delourme   M. Renard
Affiliation:Dr. R. Pellan;-Deloub Me, Dr. M. Renard, I.N.R. A., Station D'amelioration Des Plantes, B.P. 29, F-35650 Le Rheu (France).
Abstract:Male fertility of F1 interspecific hybrid plants derived from crosses between cytoplasmic male-sterile Brassica campestris in Diplotaxis muralis cytoplasm and 147 B. napus cultivars was Investigated. F1, plants obtained, from crosses with the B. napus cultivars‘Mangum’and‘Hinchu’were male-sterile while F1 plants derived from all other crosses were male-fertile. This indicated that these two cultivars carried maintainer genes far the male-sterility-inducing cytoplasm of D. muralis. Sterility was stable In plants derived from backcrosses of male-sterile F; plants with‘Mangun and‘Hinchu’but the seed set of backcross plants was low. With restorer genes readily available in B. napus, these findings could lead to the development of a new cytoplasmic male sterility system for the breeding of B. napus hybrid cultivars.
Keywords:Key words    Brassier napus    Diplotaxis Muralis    cytoplasmic male sterility    maintainer
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