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Radial distribution of quinones in plantation teak (Tectona grandis L.f.)
Authors:Ganis Lukmandaru  Koetsu Takahashi
Affiliation:1. Department of Forest Product Technology, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, 55281, Jogja, Indonesia
2. United Graduate School of Agricultural Science Iwate University, 020-8550, Morioka, Japan
3. Departement of Bioenvironment, Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, 997-8555, Tsuruoka, Japan
  • ? Quinones are primarily responsible for the natural durability of teak.
  • ? The previous paper in this series reported on the natural termite resistance of teak trees of different ages (8-, 30- and 51-year-old trees). In this study, the radial distribution of quinones (tectoquinone, lapachol, desoxylapachol and its isomer) and other components in the ethanol-benzene (1:2) extract were measured by means of gas chromatography.
  • ? Significant differences in desoxylapachol or its isomer content were found among the outer heartwood of 8-, 30- and 51-year old trees, as well as between the inner and outer parts of the heartwood.
  • ? All toxic quinone contents were positively correlated with the total extractive content. The highest correlation degree was measured in the isodesoxylapachol content.
  • ? Although linearly related, only modest correlations were observed between the natural termite resistance parameters and the content of tectoquinone and isodesoxylapachol.
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