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Determination of self-incompatible genotypes in sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) accessions and cultivars of the German Fruit Gene Bank and from private collections
Authors:M. Schuster,,H. Flachowsky,  D. Kö  hler
Affiliation:Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants, Institute for Fruit Breeding, Pillnitzer Platz 3a, D-02616 Dresden, Germany, E-mail:
Abstract:Sweet cherries are self-incompatible because of a gametophytic self-incompatibility system. S alleles in the style and pollen determine the crossing relationships. Knowledge of the S allele constitution of cultivars is very important for cherry growers and breeders, and recently, molecular methods have been developed to distinguish the S alleles in sweet cherries. The S allele genotypes of 149 sweet cherry cultivars and clones, including 126 not previously genotyped, were determined by using PCR analysis. Thirteen different S alleles in 40 combinations were distinguished and nine new incompatibility groups were documented. Two new S alleles were identified in five local sweet cherry processing cultivars from southwestern Germany using the second intron primers. The sequence of these alleles was determined and compared to all known sequences available in the NCBI database. The sequences obtained showed high similarities to the alleles S 19 and S 22, previously described only in wild cherries, Prunus avium L.
Keywords:Prunus avium    self-incompatibility    S alleles    S-RNase    genotyping
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