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引用本文:周琳,杨祯妮,张敏,程广燕. 肉类全产业链损耗及可食用系参数研究[J]. 中国农业科学, 2019, 52(21): 3934-3942. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.21.020
作者姓名:周琳  杨祯妮  张敏  程广燕
作者单位:1 农业农村部食物与营养发展研究所,北京1000812 中国农业科学院研究生院,北京 100081
摘    要:目的 我国是肉类生产和消费大国,2017年我国肉类产量达到8 588.1万t。从全产业链的视角看,肉类从生产者到消费者餐桌要经历养殖、屠宰、排酸、分割、运输、零售、储藏等多个环节,每个环节都会发生不同程度的损耗,是对资源和环境的巨大浪费,尤其是从屠宰后到终端消费所经历的环节。本研究将聚焦猪肉、牛肉、羊肉、鸡肉四个基于全产业调研大肉类产品,重点关注分割、遇冷排酸、运输、零售、批发、冷冻等动物性产品从屠宰到消费的重要环节,明确猪、牛、羊、鸡四种肉类产品在主要环节中的食物损耗量,并在此基础上计算出不同肉类产品的可食用比例。方法 基于系统分析的思路,从全产业链视角将肉类从生产到消费终端链条中可能会产生损耗的环节划分成分割、运输、销售终端、预冷排酸、冷冻储藏五个环节,通过全产业链跟踪调查的方法,分别收集猪肉、牛肉、羊肉、鸡肉产业链条以上各环节的损耗数量。考虑到冷鲜肉、热鲜肉、冷冻肉的三种消费形态产业链条的差异性,笔者以不同消费形态的市场占比为权重,在获得每类消费形态全产业链损耗基础上计算综合损耗率。可食用比例则基于经营主体长期屠宰分割后的实际数据计算得到。在典型区域的选取上以主产省为重点,选取不同规模的企业、商超、农贸市场等经营主体,通过一对一访谈调研,获取一手数据。结果 通过对北京、四川、重庆、山东、河南、广东、广西、吉林、内蒙、新疆等10个省(市),19个一体化企业、7个屠宰分割企业和16个终端销售市场的调研可知,当前我国猪肉、鸡肉、牛肉和羊肉全环节损耗率分别是8.1%、11.22%、1.47%和7.45%。从肉类流通消费形态划分,猪肉热鲜肉、冷鲜肉和冷冻肉的损耗分别是2.69%、4.12%、8.10%;牛肉热鲜肉、冷鲜肉和冷冻肉的损耗分别是7.17%、8.68%、11.47%;羊肉热鲜肉、冷鲜肉和冷冻肉的损耗分别是4.63%、6.53%、7.45%;禽肉冷鲜肉和冷冻肉的损耗分别是6.31%、11.22%。结合不同流通形态的占比计算可知猪牛羊禽的全产业链综合损耗率分别为4.36%、9.55%、5.94%、9.30%;胴体可食用率分别是78.48%、81.26%、73.72%、68.55%;整体可食用率分别是90.29%、94.84%、96.46%、78.91%。结论 由于饮食习惯的差异,整体上看中国肉类损耗要显著低于欧美、日本等其他国家,食物利用率高。然而肉类全产业链依然存在中小规模企业加工、分割技术水平较低,批发和零售环节冷藏设备的不到位,冷冻肉以及国内很多地区居民依然偏好热鲜肉品等原因,均是目前中国肉类损耗的主要原因。从长远看,随着冷鲜肉消费比重的增加,屠宰分割环节技术水平的提升,以及冷藏和储运设施设备的完善,我国肉类全产业链减损降耗依然存在较大的提升空间。

关 键 词:肉类  全产业链  损耗  可食用参数  

Whole-Industry Chain Loss and Edible Rate of Chinese Meats
ZHOU Lin,YANG ZhenNi,ZHANG Min,CHENG GuangYan. Whole-Industry Chain Loss and Edible Rate of Chinese Meats[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2019, 52(21): 3934-3942. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2019.21.020
Authors:ZHOU Lin  YANG ZhenNi  ZHANG Min  CHENG GuangYan
Affiliation:1 Institute of Food and Nutrition Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 1000812 Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
Abstract:【Objective】 China is a country with both high meat production and high consumption. In 2017, China’s meat production reached 85.581 million tons. From the perspective of the whole industry chain, the meat from the farmer to table must go through a variety of links, such as breeding, slaughtering, precooling, segmentation, transportation, retail, and storage, etc., degrees of food loss happens within each link mentioned above, especially from the links after slaughtering to retail which caused a huge waste of resources and environment. This study focused on five main links, including segmentation, precooling, transportation, retail/wholesale, and storage regarding to four products, including pork, beef, mutton, and chicken, to define the loss of pork, beef, mutton, and chicken in their respective industry chains, from production and consumption through whole-industry meat investigation, and to calculate their edible proportions based on consumption habits.【Method】 Based on the idea of systematically analysis, this study divided the whole meat supply chain into five links as segmentation, transportation, retail/wholesale, precooling, and frozen storage, which may be loss of meat. Under the consideration that the supply chain of consumption patterns as warm fresh pork, chilled fresh pork and frozen pork differs greatly, we first calculated the loss of the whole industry chain of each consumption pattern, and then calculated the weighted average of meat loss named comprehensive loss rate for each type of meat. The edible ratio has been collected based on the actual data after a long-term slaughter and deboning experience of slaughter plant. The research areas is mainly centralized in the main producing area for each type of meat, and selected typical enterprises, supermarkets and local markets in different scale as interview objects, and obtain first-hand data through one-on-one interviews and investigations.【Result】 Through field survey in 10 provinces/cities of Beijing, Sichuan, Chongqing, Shandong, Henan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, and 19 integrated enterprises, 7 slaughter enterprises and 16 terminal sales markets, the results showed that the current whole-link loss rates of pork, chicken, beef, and mutton in China were 8.1%, 11.22%, 1.47%, and 7.45%, respectively. In terms of meat circulation forms, the loss rates of warm fresh pork, chilled fresh pork and frozen pork were 2.69%, 4.12%, and 8.10%, respectively. The loss rates of warm fresh beef, chilled fresh beef and frozen beef were 7.17%, 8.68%, and 11.47%, respectively; the loss rates of warm fresh mutton, chilled fresh mutton and frozen mutton were 4.63%, 6.53%, and 7.45%, respectively; and the loss rates of chilled fresh poultry and frozen poultry were 6.31% and 11.22%, respectively. Combining the proportions of different consumption patterns, comprehensive whole-industry-chain loss rates of pork, beef, mutton, and poultry: 4.36%, 9.55%, 5.94%, and 9.30%, respectively, the carcass edible rates were 78.48%, 81.26%, 73.72%, and 68.55%, respectively; and the whole edible rates are 90.29%, 94.48%, 96.46%, and 78.91%, respectively.【Conclusion】 Due to varying eating habits, meat loss in China was significantly lower than that in European countries, the US, Japan, and other countries with high food consumption rates. The main causes of current Chinese meat loss included relatively low processing and the cutting technology of middle and small enterprises, lacking of refrigeration equipment in wholesale and retail links, the nature of frozen meat, and consumers’ preference for warm, fresh meat in many regions of China. In the long run, with the increase in the market share of cold fresh meat consumption, the improvement of the technical level of slaughtering and segmentation, and the improvement of refrigeration and storage facilities, meat loss within supply chain should have high potential to decrease.
Keywords:meat  whole industry chain  loss  edible rate  
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