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滴灌条件下3种紫花苜蓿细根 周转及不同土层分布特征
引用本文:孙艳梅,苗晓茸,刘俊英,张前兵,于磊,马春晖. 滴灌条件下3种紫花苜蓿细根 周转及不同土层分布特征[J]. 草业学报, 2019, 28(10): 91-100. DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018728
作者姓名:孙艳梅  苗晓茸  刘俊英  张前兵  于磊  马春晖
作者单位:石河子大学动物科技学院,新疆 石河子,832003;石河子大学动物科技学院,新疆 石河子,832003;石河子大学动物科技学院,新疆 石河子,832003;石河子大学动物科技学院,新疆 石河子,832003;石河子大学动物科技学院,新疆 石河子,832003;石河子大学动物科技学院,新疆 石河子,832003
摘    要:以新疆北疆绿洲区常见的3种紫花苜蓿品种作为研究对象,用微根管技术监测3个品种细根的生长与死亡动态,明确不同品种间的细根周转及不同土层分布动态特征,分析苜蓿细根周转与干草产量的关系。结果表明:3种紫花苜蓿细根总现存量均在7月21日达到最大值,WL343HQ、WL363HQ和WL366HQ数值分别为0.294、0.861和0.568 cm·cm-3;其中细根生产量分别出现了2、3和2次峰值,细根死亡量分别出现了2、2和3次峰值;细根生产量最大值均出现在7月6日至7月21日,且大小顺序为WL363HQ(0.455 cm·cm-3)>WL366HQ(0.260 cm·cm-3)>WL343HQ(0.116 cm·cm-3)。在刈割时期与未刈割时期观测细根生长与死亡,刈割时期细根现存量较未刈割时期减少,说明刈割能影响苜蓿细根的生长,降低其现存量。3个苜蓿品种在不同土层的细根现存量大小均为0~20 cm>20~40 cm>40~60 cm。WL343HQ、WL363HQ和WL366HQ苜蓿细根周转率分别为1.566、1.973和1.859 yr-1,且3者周转率之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。相关性分析表明,苜蓿总干草产量与死亡量呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),年细根生产量与年细根最大现存量呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),说明苜蓿地下细根的生长与死亡动态影响其地上部分植株的生长发育及干草产量。紫花苜蓿品种WL363HQ的细根现存量、生产量及干草产量均优于WL343HQ和WL366HQ,故紫花苜蓿品种WL363HQ在当地的生产性能表现较好,适宜在本地进行推广种植。

关 键 词:细根现存量  细根生产量  细根死亡量  苜蓿  细根周转

Fine root turnover and distribution characteristics in different soil layers of three alfalfa varieties under drip irrigation
SUN Yan-mei,MIAO Xiao-rong,LIU Jun-ying,ZHANG Qian-bing,YU Lei,MA Chun-hui. Fine root turnover and distribution characteristics in different soil layers of three alfalfa varieties under drip irrigation[J]. Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2019, 28(10): 91-100. DOI: 10.11686/cyxb2018728
Authors:SUN Yan-mei  MIAO Xiao-rong  LIU Jun-ying  ZHANG Qian-bing  YU Lei  MA Chun-hui
Affiliation:The College of Animal Science and Technology, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, China
Abstract:In this study, we monitored fine root turnover and root distribution characteristics of three alfalfa varieties (WL343HQ, WL363HQ, and WL366HQ) to determine the relationship between these characteristics and hay yield. The three alfalfa varieties were from the Oasis Region of Northern Xinjiang. Fine root production and mortality of the three alfalfa species were monitored using minirhizotrons to clarify the dynamic characteristics of fine root turnover and characteristics in different soil layers. The total fine root standing crop of the three alfalfa species reached their maximum values on July 21 (0.294, 0.861, and 0.568 cm·cm-3 in WL343HQ, WL363HQ, and WL366HQ, respectively). In WL343HQ, WL363HQ, and WL366HQ, fine root production had two, three, and two peaks, and fine root mortality had two, two and three peaks, respectively. The maximum fine root crop of alfalfa occurred during the period July 6 to July 21. The cultivars were ranked, from largest fine root crop to smallest, as follows: WL363HQ (0.455 cm·cm-3)>WL366HQ (0.260 cm·cm-3)>WL343HQ (0.116 cm·cm-3). The maximum mortality of alfalfa fine roots occurred at different times in the three cultivars. Fine root growth and death occurred at different stages, and the size of the fine root standing crop was lower during the cutting period than during the unprocessed period. This result indicates that cutting can reduce the growth of alfalfa fine roots and reduce the fine root standing crop. The soil layers were ranked, from most fine roots of the three alfalfa species to least, as follows: 0-20 cm>20-40 cm>40-60 cm. The fine root turnover rates of WL343HQ, WL363HQ, and WL366HQ were 1.566, 1.973, and 1.859 yr-1, respectively, and there was no significant difference among them (P>0.05). In correlation analyses, the total hay yield of alfalfa was significantly positively correlated with annual fine root mortality (P<0.01), and the maximum annual standing crop of fine roots was significantly positively correlated with annual fine root production. The results indicated that fine root mortality in alfalfa affects the growth and development of above-ground parts and the hay yield. The fine root standing crop, production quantity, and hay yield were higher in WL363HQ than in WL343HQ and WL366HQ, indicating that WL363HQ performs better in local areas and is more suitable for local cultivation.
Keywords:fine root standing crop  fine root production  fine root mortality  alfalfa  fine root turnover  
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