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Factors affecting measurements of glucose metabolism and lipolytic rates in porcine adipose tissue slices in vitro
Authors:H J Mersmann  C Y Hu
Abstract:Porcine adipose tissue glucose metabolism and lipolytic rates have been measured for many years by numerous investigators. However, there is little or no documented indication of the effects of variation in tissue handling procedures or variations in incubation medium components on metabolic rates. We have systematically varied conditions to provide such documentation for these much used techniques. The temperature (18 to 38 C) of tissue during transport had little effect. The medium for tissue transport probably should be buffered. Use of Hepes buffer at greater than 10 or 25 mM in incubation media inhibited glucose metabolism and lipolysis. Calcium ion effects on glucose metabolism or lipolysis could not be demonstrated. Dimethyl sulfoxide should not be used routinely. Ascorbate at .56 mM did not inhibit glucose metabolism or lipolysis. Glucose metabolism was increased by glucose concentration to about 5 mM and not inhibited at higher concentrations; we recommend 10 or 20 mM glucose to ensure maximal rates. Insulin stimulated glucose metabolism but effects were slight, not related to insulin concentration and not consistently observed. Addition of some albumin preparations did not allow expression of insulin stimulation; we recommend albumin be omitted or, if included, carefully monitored. Lipolytic rates were dependent on albumin concentration, but rates were similar with all albumin preparations. Insulin markedly inhibited hormone-stimulated but not basal lipolysis. Adenosine, an inhibitor of lipolysis, did not affect glucose metabolism rates. An artificial oxygen carrier did not increase anabolic activity. Incubation in serum increased rates of glucose metabolism relative to lipolysis so that refinement of the incubation might lead to greater anabolic than catabolic rates in vitro to reflect the status of adipose tissue in growing pigs in vivo. Tissue handling and incubation conditions can markedly affect metabolic rates, and should be understood and controlled.
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