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Guidelines for Managing Wildlife Habitats in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests of the United States
引用本文:PeterF.Ffolliott. Guidelines for Managing Wildlife Habitats in Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests of the United States[J]. 林业研究, 1997, 8(2): 108-110. DOI: 10.1007/BF02864979
摘    要:IntroductionEcoledcalrelahonshipsanddePendenceofwildlifesPe-ciesonsouthwesternPOnderosapine(Pineponderosa)fOrestsarecloselyrelat6dtohabitatuse.Foraginghabits,seasOndfoodPreferences,anduseoftreesforfeedingarelawtydePendentuponthestrUctureandspahalar-rangme…

Guidelines for managing wildlife habitats in southwestern ponderosa pine forests of the United States
Peter F. Ffolliott. Guidelines for managing wildlife habitats in southwestern ponderosa pine forests of the United States[J]. Journal of Forestry Research, 1997, 8(2): 108-110. DOI: 10.1007/BF02864979
Authors:Peter F. Ffolliott
Affiliation:(1) School of Renewable Natural Resources, University of Arizona Tucson, 85721 Arizona, USA
Abstract:Forest management practices, particularly timber harvesting activities, affect the habitats of a large numberof wildlde species found in southwestem ponderosa pine forests of the United States. Timber harvesting activities and othervegetative treatments offen change the relative abundances of food and cover. Wildlife habitats for some wildlife Species arebenefited, while the habitats for other wildlife species are detrimentally impacted. The guidelines presented in this papershould be helpful to foresters, wildlffe managers, and other interested in maintaining or increasing wildlife habitat qualitiesin the foreSt ecosystems inveStigated. While the wildlde species considered are indigenous to the southwestem ponderosapine fotests, many of the wildlde management principles implied in the guidelines are likely to have applications in otherecosystems throughout the world.
Keywords:Wildlife   Habitat   Resourse   Ponderosa pine forest
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