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引用本文:叶春秀,李全胜,李有忠,庄振刚,谢宗铭. 新疆早熟陆地棉SSR标记遗传多样性分析及指纹图谱构建[J]. 西北农业学报, 2015, 24(2): 73-78
作者姓名:叶春秀  李全胜  李有忠  庄振刚  谢宗铭
摘    要:
采用SSR分子标记对41份北疆地区早熟陆地棉品种进行遗传多样性分析,并构建其DNA指纹图谱。最终100对引物筛选出8对多态性较好引物,共检测50条带,其中多态性33条,多态性比率66%,每对引物平均扩增到6.25条条带。多态信息含量(PIC)为0.568 0~0.784 6,平均值为0.646 2。聚类分析表明,供试材料在遗传距离为0.42时可划分为3类,第3大类又可以划分为2大亚类,多数品种属于第3大类。利用其中7个特异性标记引物获得的数据构建供试材料的分子指纹图谱。新陆早系列在选育过程中亲本的来源较为广泛,遗传背景较复杂,获得的SSR分子指纹图谱能够用于新疆早熟陆地棉品种及相关材料的鉴定。

关 键 词:早熟  陆地棉  SSR  遗传多样性  指纹图谱

Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Construction of Fingerprint of Early Maturing Upland Cotton in Northern Xinjiang by SSR
YE Chunxiu,LI Quansheng,LI Youzhong,ZHUANG Zhengang and XIE Zongming. Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Construction of Fingerprint of Early Maturing Upland Cotton in Northern Xinjiang by SSR[J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica, 2015, 24(2): 73-78
Authors:YE Chunxiu  LI Quansheng  LI Youzhong  ZHUANG Zhengang    XIE Zongming
Affiliation:YE Chunxiu;LI Quansheng;LI Youzhong;ZHUANG Zhengang;XIE Zongming;Center for Molecular Agrobiotechnology and Breeding,Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural and Reclamation Sciences/Xinjiang Production & Construction Group Key Laboratory of Crop Germplasm Enhancement and Gene Resources Utilization;
In order to study the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of earlier cultural of upland cottons in northern Xinjiang and to construct their DNA fingerprint. The genetic diversity of 41 earlier cultural of upland cottons in Xinjiang and fingerprints were established by Simple Sequence Repeats .There were 50 bands were amplified, and 33 were polymorphisms. The percentage of polymorphic loci was 66%. The genetic similarity coefficient of cultivars was 0.568 0-0.784 6, and the average value was 0.646 2.Based on the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average(UPGMA), 41 materials were divided into 3 groups at the similarity coefficient of 0.42. Most of materials belong to the third group and the it could be divided into 2 small groups. The fingerprints were constructed by 7 polymorphic SSR primers.The relationship of early maturing upland cotton in northern Xinjiang was complex, and the genetic diversity was abundant. SSR molecular marker could be used in genetic diversity and fingerprint analysis for it.
Keywords:Premature   Upland cotton   SSR   Genetic diversity   Fingerprint
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