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Cardiovascular effects of propofol alone and in combination with ketamine for total intravenous anesthesia in healthy cats
Authors:JE   Ilkiw   PJ Pascoe
Affiliation:University of California-Davis, Davis, CA, USA
Abstract:This study was designed to compare the cardiovascular effects of equipotent maintenance of anesthetic doses (determined in a previous study) of propofol and propofol/ketamine, administered with and without noxious stimulation. Six healthy adult cats were anesthetized with propofol (loading dose 6.6 mg kg?1, infusion 0.22 mg kg?1 minute?1), and instrumented to allow determination of blood gas and acid–base balance and measurement of blood pressures and cardiac output. The propofol infusion was continued for a further 60 minutes after which measurements were taken prior to and during application of a noxious stimulus. The propofol infusion was decreased to 0.14 mg kg?1 minute?1, and ketamine (loading dose 2 mg kg?1, infusion 23 µg kg minute?1) was administered. After a further 60 minutes, measurements were again taken prior to and during application of a noxious stimulus. The data were analyzed, using several Repeated Measures anova (first, ketamine/propofol and noxious stimulation were each treated as within‐subject factors; secondly, the levels of these two factors were combined into a single within‐subject factor). Mean arterial pressure, CVP, PAOP, SI, CI, SVRI, PVRI, oxygen delivery index, oxygen consumption index, oxygen utilization ratio, PvO2, pHa, PaCO2, bicarbonate concentration, and BD values collected during propofol administration were not changed by addition of ketamine and reduction of propofol concentration or by application of a noxious stimulus under propofol alone. Application of a noxious stimulus under propofol alone did, however, significantly increase HR and PaO2, and these responses were not blunted by the addition of ketamine. Compared with propofol, administration of ketamine and reduction of propofol concentration significantly increased PAP and venous admixture, and significantly decreased PaO2. Although application of a noxious stimulus to cats under propofol alone did not significantly change CVP, SI, CI, PVRI, oxygen delivery index, and oxygen consumption index, significant differences were found in these variables between propofol and propofol/ketamine. In conclusion, propofol alone provided cardiopulmonary stability; addition of ketamine did not improve hemodynamics but did decrease oxygenation.
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