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The concentrations of aldrin and dieldrin and their photoisomers in the atmosphere
Authors:Michael K. Baldwin  David Bennett  Kenneth I. Beynon
Abstract:Air samples taken in 1973 at a point remote from areas of organochlorine pesticide usage, Bantry Bay in S.W. Ireland, were analysed for aldrin and dieldrin in the vapour state and in association with particupate matter. In addition, some of the samples were analysed for the photoisomers of aldrin and dieldrin, and for pp'-DDT, 1,1-dichloro-2,2-di-(4-chlorophenyl) ethylene (pp'-DDE) and pp'-IDE. Detection and quantitation of all compounds were by gas-liquid chromatography with electron capture detection (g.l.c./e.c.). Confirmatory evidence for the presence of dieldrin and pp'-DDE was obtained with some samplesusing gas-liquid chromatography with mass fragmento-graphic detection (g.l.c./m.f.). Dieldrin was detected in all seventeen samples of air taken, but the mean concentration was 0.36 ng/kg and the range of concentrations was 0.06–1.60 ng/kg. Aldrin was not detected in the samples examined, neither were the two photoisomers. Only pp'-DDE of the pp'-DDT group of compounds was detected in the nine samples examined, and the apparent mean concentration was 0.14 ng/kg. None of the compounds was detected in particulate matter.
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